Saturday, August 14, 2021

Today Is Saturday August 14 2021, This Is What Happen

 Weekend is here. Don't feel like really doing anything after work. And I figure it my weekend and I need sometime off and to my self. Hopefully I'm not sounding self center. The place is basically picked up. 

Our local fair is going on this weekend. 2020 and 2019 I didn't go. Because of the plaque. Ok that my new term for "Covid" Actual enjoy visiting and participation in it. I had my vaccine for it. Hubby and I are in the minority. Like I post only about 25% of area had the vaccine. So I would be safe visiting. But I could still spread it to those who isn't protected and I ask my self "Why should I even give rat patootie" about those who haven't gotten their vaccine, because of willfully being ignorance. Well can't do much about some people. So though social media I hope to share some photos of our fair. Here is an exhibits of cookie monster. Here the local kids make a cookie a lease 12 inches diameter or large. 

 During the weekend I like to basic 3 card lay with tarot. I see changes, choices, and plenty of tools to get one though something. It could be anything from experience, knowledge, wisdom, common sense, or what ever. 

Work on my bullet journal. For what every reason I had trouble lining up correct days and day of week. Thankful for white out. Before September I will be getting anther one. 

For lunch I just just got left over out the fridge. 

Murphy and I went over to see our friends Cyrus and Lola they're spending a few days up at OLD AMERICAN CAMP GROUND up by New Port Washington. They rent a cabin for a long weekend. They had a wonderful dinner and miniature golf course, 9 holes. It been ages since I played it. Hopeful anther time. Still super smoky. It has let up a bit. They had a lovely dinner for us. Not sure how many camp ground with cabin are still out there. Recall YOGI BEAR and K.O.A but I'm sure there other camp grounds with cabins.

For a while I couldn't get post to align to left, then poof it went over. 
Coffee is on and stay safe


  1. Great to see you had some nice time with friends, the fair looked fun. Tarot to me looks like change of direction/decisions to be made, good luck :)

  2. Have a restful weekend, enjoy! Valerie

  3. It is NOT self-centred to want time for yourself after working all week. Everyone needs time out just to be themselves. Enjoy some rest, put your feet up.

  4. Anonymous1:40 AM

    "rat patootie". I have absolutely no idea of what this is, but it is funny. Ah, I think I have just guessed.
    It's good that you had a nice meal with friends.

  5. Hari OM
    The thing is, though, that even with double vax, folk are still getting sick. Not as bad as without, but it doesn't 100% mean you won't catch COVID. Then, as you rightly say, there is the potential transmission. No. I am staying more or less isolated (barring a few careful visitations) for the time being. Caution always the better side of valour! YAM xx

    1. ps - love the new look bloggy! Yxx

  6. I don’t think it’s selfish to need time for yourself. Go for it. You need it!

  7. We are starting to go out more too I figure how long can we go isolated.

  8. I think everybody needs some time for himself just to pull yourself together. Here too people are against vaccin ! That's their problem I think so I go everywhere where I want to. If they get the Covid it's their fault ! We have now 73 % of the Belgian population vaccinated, that's good.

  9. I am sorry it's still smokey! Unfortunately, we have to breathe . ...

  10. It sure sounds like a wonderful getaway jaunt!

  11. Loved your pictures. Hope you had a good time.

  12. I know what you mean about just needing some time during the weekends. I like your Tarot cards. What deck is that?

  13. Although those were leftovers from the fridge, they actually looked good. Wouldn't feel full with that alone, surely, but it's ok.


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Today Is Saturday, May 18, 2024: This Is What Happened.

 Thought I would blog before now. My emotions are all over the place. Having trouble sorting them out. I found out my friend had died, which...