Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Today Is August 24 2021, This Is What Happen

 So glad to see our F.D.A (Food Drug Administration) has a prove the Pfizer vaccine. I got the Moderna one. Not sure if this will change some local minds or not. Right now my community is 26.2% fully vaccinated. Not looking up the numbers, in county we had 954 cases of Covid, and 14 deaths. But the pooulation is 12,245. We have about 8.6 people per square mile. I like quote of friend of mind.." Being careful in state where most people are Covid  narcistic fools. 

After my coffee with my friend Qunella, we're taking them outside to have them. I had plan to go and get blood before I went. So I call clinic up and glad I did. This morning they have quite a few people getting vaccine, which is good. And some are coming to get tested for covid. Our fair happen earlier this month. I understand very few had mask on. The place was crowed. So I will go in after coffee, between 11 and 11:30

Pulling my self back on track, I'm getting ready to start counting days of abstinence. For someone who has food issues or abuse them in some form or other. Food abstinence is sticking to a healthy food plan and or bounds when it comes to food. I just need to check it over and see if it workable. I've done plenty of failed eating plans. 

Today letter is "O" and word I'm choosing is "Obstruct" or let add "ion" on the end of the word. There plenty of time I put up personal obstruction when comes to have an healthier life style. And they're things I do to warm my self. Most might think away of warming your self is by cutting your self. I'm not a cutter. But I use food to both harm and award my self. I'm still working on chapter 4 in Overeaters Anonymous workbook. Sunrises how much more is in this chapter, then 1 though 3. It on a personal inventory, I'm sure I will have to go back though it.

Had a pear for lunch today. 

Coffee is on and stay safe


  1. Good luck with the food thing, you can do it. We had the Moderna vaccine here too.

  2. Good to hear more people are getting tested and vaccinated.
    Pears are good, lots of fibre in them.

  3. I'm hearing that the Moderna vaccine has a better prevention rate. Still glad to hear Pfizer has the full approval.

  4. I call the people who don't take things seriously 'COVIDIOTS' and we have too many of them around. I bought pears yesterday, too. Have a great day, Valerie

  5. Hubby and I have been fully vaccinated and we wear mask on our morning walks. Whenever we go out to buy essentials, we wear double masks with a face shield to protect ourselves and others. This is the best we can do because covid is a deadly virus.

  6. Anonymous3:46 AM

    I've heard from good sources that Moderna is just as good Pfizer and they work in the same way, different to AZ, which is also effective. I heard today things are disastrous in your southern states, with some hospitals overflowing with COVID patients, none vaccinated. Your state seems to have a lot of stupid people. Stay masked, stay safe.

  7. I really don't understand why people are so afraid to get the vaccination Dora, we've had vaccinations forever for many reasons, why is this different I wonder? They really are so selfish and obviously don't care about their loved ones. Have you tried intermittent fasting, it can be really successful for some.. take care ✨

  8. We are doing well with vaccinations, over 90% for one vaccine and almost 80% for two. However, I wouldn’t attend any large events and I have had both vaccine doses.

  9. Moderna submitted its data to the FDA and will be approved soon. Maybe that will help change stubborn minds.

  10. What if our dogs refused to get the rabies vaccination? I'm glad they don't have any choice in the matter.

  11. Nice looking pear. I love them.

  12. For once I am on the right side of things, I got that Pilzer shot. I am glad of that. I have been wearing my mask out and about. Really hot yesterday but being we were going in shopping centers with air it turned out to be okay. I am not a fan of pears....but I will take a banana any day

  13. I got the J&J shot and had no side effects at all. Hopefully more people will keep getting the vaccine no matter which one they get.

  14. So is it a food disorder that you're talking about? Hope everything's ok.


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Today Is Monday, March 3, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 An light day, non stressful. I love days like this. Let see what I done at this point. Went and visit Liz. She looked good, although she is...