Sunday, July 18, 2021

Today Is Sunday July 18 2021, This Is What Happen

 I usually just randomly pick somepast post, hopefully add a little more life. I been talking about cost of living here. As many figured out I'm close to retirement. FRUMPY PROFESSOR made a comment Is $640 available in your area that you could find a place to live and be comfortable living in? It seems if I recall you live in the Northwest. region and I fear that region 's rate is pretty hefty. General I would have to say the answer would be "NO" they aren't anything for $640. Unless one get some type of housing assistance and we don't qualify. Which is based on your income and asset. Depends on housing programs the income and your asset would be slightly different. Although not that much. The Apartment Regis is in, senior and disable ones. He pays 193 a months and he handles his own utilities. it base from his income of $893 and he can deducted any out of pocket of medical cost. Last I heard the maximum they could charge for those apartment was $650 a month. There not bad apartment. Than there housing voucher and each area is different. Once you get your voucher and each area will have the amount you could possible spend on housing...Example one bed room $425, two bed room $.500, three bed room, $575 and such. And which don't includes your utilities. So one would find something under this price and than for rent and utilities can't be over 40% of your income. Well I don't know anyone who has housing voucher who don't something extra under the table. Liz pays $440 a month, her apartment regular rent is $745. Her income  is $893 and actually her part of the rent and utilities should be no more than $357. And she over by $83 and that not cost of utilities and not sure how that being covered. Wish I had the price allowance for HUD rentals. Their so under priced. Like Social Security benefits for death of $255 dollars.

YOGI made comment about Covid. Nice pic!!

I am way behind on my stuff for the home. I'd rather take photos, ride my bike, work out, read blog posts, and make blog posts.

I didn't know Idaho had such a low vaccination rate. Oklahoma is at about 39% fully vaccinated and just over 50% for at least one shot. So many people I know say that they just don't want to because they don't think they'll get sick. The legislature wants to outlaw hospitals or any other business mandating vaccinations. Good thing the outlook was different when we were fighting small pox.
Take care!!

And the other comment I would like to share is from RIVER It's a shame people choose to not get vaccinated. My niece is the same, won't get her shots. I hope nothing happens to her, she has a little boy almost 9 and there's no way I could take him in.
I think vaccinations for a plague such as this one should be mandatory.
I thought that gold and black scrap was a pretty table mat.

We're such a divide society. Our LIEUTENAUNT GOVERNOR. is something else. She want to BAN MASK and calls the vaccine and she calls it MEDICAL TYRANNY
and I hear only about half our hospital staff is vaccinated. Oh our Ms McGeachin drove around with bible in hand. She nut case. Than we have AMMON BUNDY running for Governor of Idaho. There two shakes in stick we could get any slightly left to win. So our best bet would be Brad Little our current one. So Qunella was taking to someone we both and he refuse to get the shot. Because it making people going sterilized. I don't know if my youngest son or his wife gotten the vaccine or not. Her parents leans toward one who aren't for vaccines. Although I can't be total sure. Both of my sons have good decision making skills. So hopefully my youngest one and his wife got their covid shots. They have 2 girls and Grandparents don't make good parents. It complete different between being a parent and grandparent. Hope nothing happen.

Hubby and I went up to Ball Creek. He want out of house and get away from heat. So we was talking about retirement. He knows and understand that something happens to my present client. I won't go and look for new ones. With vaccine rate being so low. Ceramics was brought up. I don't know how thrilled I am about having people coming into my place to do ceramics. Look at vaccinated rate.  Any how I told him I understand the only place I know I can get dry clay would be on the coast. And would leave my pour table in the garage/shed. Couldn't cast in colder months. But I don't about handling the bigger molds. Well there some things needs to be done on our place for retires. Got two windows to be replaced and that lined up. And our bathroom need some remodel, it small and if either one of us is a walker or wheel chair we would have issues getting around in the bathroom. Plus redo our floors though out our entire house. There other things could be done, I call them frills. But three main things is listed just above. I did mention about putting a creative studio in basement which wouldn't take all that much. Murphy wasn't against and he actual thought it was not a bad ideal. 
Coffee is on and stay safe 


  1. Anonymous1:55 AM

    I become a little confused about whether the social security amounts are two weeks or monthly. Regis' monthly social security income is $893? That would the full two week social security income here, and more than that if your rent and don't own your home.

    I can't remember if it was Toronto or London, but one business had a sign, No Vax, No Entry. I guess that would not go down well in your state. Your Lieutenant Governor should be locked up for such irresponsible urgings.

    1. $893 is his fully monthly social security. $793 is from the federal gov't and $33 is from the state of Idaho.

    2. $793 + $33 is $826, so where is the other $67 coming from?
      With our subsidised public housing rent is calculated on 25% of total income, and we all have to pay our own utilities.

  2. My husband and I have retired. We need not have to worry about rent because it is our own house. We are grateful for my pension and enough for our basic needs.

  3. It is shocking the low vaccination rates

  4. The vaccination rates here are high. It would be a big worry if they weren’t. It must be scary for you going about your lives there, even though you are vaccinated.

  5. Our vaccination rates are high, but my county reinstated the mask mandate as our cases are rising again. From what I hear, most of those in the hospital are non-vaccinated.

  6. I hope more will get vaccinated but I'm not holding my breath. Those were all interesting answers.

  7. We are being encouraged to take things into our own hands so shops, pubs, restuarants will tell us if we have to wear masks etc and so far they all say you have to - I'm glad - we are moving towards vaccine passports here and that's good too - I think those who don't have the jab and can are selfish. I want to retire so much, we own our house but our pensions are another four years away, we talk about it a lot. best not to wish our lives away though.

  8. It's fascinating how different costs of living can be from place to place. It's gotten very expensive here and most average people now can't afford Rents, let alone buying a Home now.


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Today Is Tuesday, April 30, 2024: This Is What Happened.

  Last day of the month. Since it was the last day. I try to get the photo looking west from my driveway. It has been cloudy most of the da...