Saturday, July 10, 2021

Today Is Saturday July 10 2021, This Is What Happen


Couple of days a ago I got my stickers for lap top key board. Some of the print is fading away. I took half year of typing in high school, sophomore year. 10th grade. I think I end up with C+. My hubby types one finger. It works.

We took a drive up to Ball creek. Went up into the mountains to get a break from the heat. We left at noon and it was 90 than. 

The first spot we went we feed some CUTTHROAT these were small ones, I don't think any of them was over 4 inches in size.

I brought my pamphlet from those who joins OA. This pamphlet is for those new comers. Couple of line or words pretty well hit home. Compulsive food behavior, action plan with an eat plan. Also I brought up my Lewis and Clark journals. Clark so far seem to do more journaling than Lewis. It also known Lewis might of suffered from depression and ended up with syphilis.

Piers from and old bridge over Ball Creek, the road across is growing in with elder brush. 

Than we went to the rocky area.

On our way down we saw a young black bear. Two people drown in our Moyie River, in area of Kootenai river. Plus our town of Bonners Ferry is hold it demolition derby and it look packed. 

Coffee Is One and stay safe 


  1. what's a demolition derby? beautiful places you have around you.

  2. Anonymous1:38 AM

    I love your mountain photos. I am guessing the stickers on the keyboard are for Hubby, rather than you who types a lot more.

  3. ...I took typing in high school too, but I hunt and peck with a few fingers.

  4. Hari OM
    I took to typing like a duck to water... and remain a speed typist. Those photos of the river are refreshing! YAM xx

  5. Typing was one of the most useful courses I took in high school.

  6. I took a typing class in junior high. Didn’t really learn to type until I was working in an office and had to use a computer every day.

  7. The Ball Creek area sure is pretty and it looks like a nice and relaxing place for a walk.

  8. What a beautifully serene place to visit. Lucky you! Thank you for sharing those photos...they almost made me feel a little cooler. Oh by the way, I still type with just a few fingers and it works for me, but I don't have to type 100 words/minute so the old hunt and peck method is cool for me.

  9. I took typing on 1989 - still on a typewriter. I did excellent and am glad it is a skill I have now.

  10. Beautiful country and one can feel cool just by reading your post. I took typing in 7th grade (1964-65) on a manual typewriter with no letters or symbols on the keyboard. In a way, it was good training but that typing teacher was a terror. Alana

  11. I love your creek pictures. They came out great.

  12. Beautiful pics. I took typing in 9th grade, probably got a C (don't remember). We were graded on speed. Alas, timed tests freak me out, so I tend to work slower than if I wasn't timed. Nowadays, I can type pretty fast. I don't know how fast, because if I'm timed, it slows me down.

  13. The black bears would have been scary!

  14. I know some of my friends who type with one figure. It works well for them too. I learnt typing on a typewriter at the age of 15. And that helps for laptop as well.
    Nice photos!


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Today Is Thursday, May 2, 2024; This Is What Happened.

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