Friday, May 21, 2021

Today Is Friday May 21 2021, This Is What Happen

 Friday I like to give a so called creative report. But I did little, and I mean little. Practice drawing and some embroidery. And also a little organizing craft supplies.

Last night I was total wipe out from work. I force my self to stay up to 9:00 I watch you tube video on art of surrealism, dada, and such. 


  1. It sounds like you need a rest this weekend.

  2. Youtubes can be relaxing I guess

  3. I hope you get all rested up and ready to go again!

  4. I organised my sewing stuff and found out just how little I have, it only took me a half an hour. I'm not crafty type person, I'd rather read a book.

  5. Well.. relax this weekend! You´ve done a lot!

  6. Organizing craft things can be a huge job. I think I'm in need of doing it again. It just doesn't last. Sigh. Hope you get some much needed rest.
    Sandy's Space

  7. Surrealism and Dada are really exciting and cool! I wish I was more artistic!!!

    I too have been feeling wiped out after work.


  8. Yeah, I had a similar week on the creative front. Sometimes it's just not there.

  9. Doesn't sound like you did nothing Dora, you got a few bits and pieces done. It's good to have days like that now and then 😊

  10. I like to do something a little creative regularly too.


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Today Is Saturday, May 4, 2024: This Is What Happened.

  When I change cameras, I usually have trouble pulling the photo off the camera onto the laptop. Not this time.   Murphy and I clean some...