Saturday, April 17, 2021

Today Is Saturday April 17 2021, This Is What Happen

 Went to my cousin Loren memorial service down in postfall, actual he is a cousin of mine by marraige. But still cousin. He had a very nice service full of celbration of his life. Plus both of his parents are still alive. Loren would of been 60 in July. 

A lease this service wasn't all about being "Born Again" I was born find the first time around. And each day is like a adventure of rebirth, who knows what will happen. But for me I'm usually very bless. The minister did his service from  Act 2 1 though 21 and Ezekiel 37 1 though 14 And a poem read and sorry I didn't catch the poem or Author. 

I have plenty of life to live.Go boldly to new and experience life. But listen to others all have something important to share and we learn from each other. 

I decided to pick a Orcale using my spirit animal cards. I got black bear card. Which is Guardian. I had to see wear the word Guardian "One who guards" But I like the word as "protector" More than the word guards There is time we all need to be guided and then we are the guides.To me to be a good quide or follow the three top traits are listens, compassion, and wisdom. Question time...What are some other traits to be good leader or guide....

As we were driving down a guy holding a sign. And he had every right to hold a sign. Our first amemdement is freedom of speech. He was holding a sign saying "A Million babies muder" A prolifer. A male with the sign. I want to stop and ask how many children he has running about, and hand him couple of condoms. Tell him I hope he isn't cause of any abortion. 

It got above 75 degrees.

Coffee is on and stay safe


  1. I don't like the idea of being Born Again, it would be like telling God he didn't get it right the first time.

  2. I belonged to a 'born again' evangelical church for many years but left because they became oppressive - the wrong kind of sheep methinks. I am scared of people bearing signs they are usually fanatical about whatever they believe in politics or religion.

  3. Anonymous12:30 AM

    Nice one about handing him some condoms.

  4. ...each has their own point of view.

  5. Leaders need strength

  6. Sometimes people don't even know why they are protesting these days.

  7. I agree with Brian. Some people just go with the crowd.

  8. Love your comment about the condoms

  9. You totally should have with that guy. And filmed it. Oh, that would have been funny.

  10. I'm pleased your cousins memorial service went well.

    All the best Jan


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Today Is Friday, September 20, 2024: This Is What Happened.

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