Monday, April 26, 2021

Today Is Monday April 26 2021. This Is What Happen


I was hoping and with mother earth that most of can do. I know I mention about showing some leaves all nicely displayed on tree. No luck. Some are darn close. Pretty much it been raining off and on. half inch of rain for the week. (1.2 CM)

Don't have only few but the snake head fritillary is one of my fav flowers. 

I love smell of hyasthis flowers. Not going to buy any flowering plant. After work when weather permits me. I clean a little bit out of flower bed. After retirement I'm looking forward to get my hand in in the soil.

So glad work is pretty much to normal, all most. Regis doctor want him to start SUBOXONE and they want him to pick up prescribtion on Friday. So he could try it over the weekend Well he hasn't gotten it yet. Waiting for it to be authorized. So he has morning doctor appointment tomorow, and she want to see how he doing on the new pills. Nothing to tell.

Yesterday I talk to my youngest son, it was his birthday. He and his father in law coming up to do some camping in area. Bringing the two girls. First of May. My oldest granddaughter is having some behavior issues and not getting the help they feel they need and or want. And she been suggest to see a Speech Language thearpist and my son and his wife is stuggling with school dist about getting the service she needs. It hard to work though the bureaucracy of it all. I don't want to butt into there affairs and on the other hand I could point out or guide them though the danglement of bureaucracy.

Coffee is on and stay safe


  1. Sorry to hear your grand daughter is having speech problems. It might help to have her read out loud for a few minutes each day.

  2. Hope you can guide your family through the red tape to get the help they need for your grandaughter. Some children respond well to sign language (not because they are deaf but because they find a different way of communicating/learning easier) they use it a lot with special needs kids here (macaton)

  3. That's interesting, an American lady was asking what the Snake's head fritilaries werein my garden were and said that they didn't grow in the USA. I shall have to tell her!

  4. My oldest Niece has diabetes 1 and it was SUCH a struggle with bureaucracy to get her help for school. First grade, how is a kid supposed to handle this on it´s own?!

  5. Hyacinths are such lovely blooms and the scent fills the air!

    I hope your granddaughter can get the help she needs soon.

  6. Sorry about your granddaughter.

  7. Sorry about your granddaughter m but she will get the services she needs if they keep plugging away at the red tape

  8. We sure hope your Granddaughter gets the help she needs.

  9. Seeing your outdoor hyacinth makes me think I will plant the one I bought Easter weekend outside. Most likely it will ne dup squirrel food because the little buggers will not leave my outside stuff alone, but it has outgrown it's planter.

  10. Happy belated birthday to your son. I like planting stuff in the yard too.

  11. Ah yes, the joys of the bureaucracy of the school system. If you have some help for them, I'm sure they'd appreciate it.

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  13. The trees are budding out here. My little apple tree in the front has so many flowers and its alive in bees. I pruned it in February, after reading and watching a how to on youtube. It won't support as many apples as it has blossoms, so I'll need to pick some off quickly, when they start.


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