Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Today Is April 27 2021, This Is What Happen

 Since the 27 is and odd day, and Tuesday. When I walk I go some place different and take my camera. And discuss my healthy journey.

Let get right numbers. I'm up about .25 pound. I try to get in 7,500 steps and one day I got in 10,380 steps and my worst day was 2,217. Twice I made my water goal, I know of. But I'm getting better of being consistent devolping health habits. 

Today I park in local library parking lot. It close because of local SCANDAL and I though I would loop though the old Gene Ok tires. 

Here is the other side of junk pile. I know there people who looks at this and see some wonderful sculpture. 

This is our so called under pass there 16 peirs holding it up and a wall. I thought this would be good place to do some street art. On the other side of wall is a train track, and lot train moves though. So it wouldn't be good and safe place to paint. Something fresh and new in our community. As for my well being. I add a little bit weight, using cans of food. Not quite a pound, doing arm exersise. Then also I been using the bands, for resistance. People been making comment that I been loosing weight. No the numbers aren't showing that, but I fill firmer.

This is anther wall, for art. To enter the town of Bonners Ferry before the over pass, you had to come down long hill, and cross the train tracks. I bareley recall going over the train tracks. I been playing with the ideal of doing my measurement. 
None of tree at my place is flowering out. This main street in Bonners Ferry Idaho. So fresh and nice. Plus it make me happy. Mood has a lot to do with weight gain or lost. Like I said begining of last week it was very stressful. Regis world to him was falling down around him. And his support team had to pick up around him. Part of fit day the have mood scale. Well last week for happiness I was either neutral and unhappy. Let take step back in last two months I been 3 days of unhappy, 5 days of neutral, 9 days of happy, and 1 day of very happy. 

Like I know I didn't but I did better.

Coffee is on and stay safe


  1. The main street looks quiet, Bonners Ferry must be a small town.

  2. Nice walk what you did ! I admit I am sooo lazy with the lockdown, I hate shopping and all cafes and restaurant to make a stop are closed !

  3. Anonymous1:31 AM

    You may be carrying too much weight but your daily step level is excellent.

  4. ...keep moving!

  5. I miss wandering downtown to get my steps in! Murals would look great on those walls.

  6. That was an interesting walk

  7. And wo, that's some scandal...

  8. Keep going! You’ll get there.

  9. We like seeing places around your area!

  10. Thanks for the tour!

  11. So are you going to try some graffiti?

  12. Sounds like progress.

  13. Great that you're moving and drinking water. I need to join you in doing more of both.

    I admit I got distracted by your link to the library scandal. Pole dancing and militias! You've got a lot going on!

  14. Nice to see where you live and yes, on bad days it´s hard to exercise - good you keep up the work and feeling firm is great.

  15. Gosh that was quite a scandal Doris! Those two walls definitely need some artwork to cheer them up! Keep up with the water, exercise and steps, it just takes time don't let it get you down, life's too short, enjoy it 💜


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Today Is Thursday, May 2, 2024; This Is What Happened.

  I could swear my head was detached; that was yesterday. I forgot all my art supplies. Wednesday, well, first and third Wednesday. I go to...