Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Today Is Wednesday March 10 2020, This Is What Happen

 Yesterday I thought I would post about the local school levy and my two state representives. I'm just plain beat from work. 

Hubby got his second vaccine for covid. Since the shot sent him for loop. Sometime I wonder about men and their sickness and pain. It been said if man gave birth they wouldn't do it second time. So I got a television dinner, it didn't have any veggies in it. So I got bag of small frozen brussel sprounts. As I was watching the news hour. I iron some fabrics.

Coffee is on and stay safe


  1. Funny about men and pain!

  2. I've heard the second dose can be a worse reaction than the first, but that means the stuff is working I guess.

  3. yep men don't feel pain the same way as women apparently :) frozen veg is good we find - picked and frozen at its freshest, we rely on it a lot here in the Winter as sometimes supermarket veg is tired and old and has travelled many air miles.

  4. Hmmmm brussel sprounts! Hubby has to stand a lot of pain with his pancreas and nearly never complains. He must be a woman inside, LOL...

  5. We're glad his shots are over though, that's a good thing!

  6. Men do often seem to not be able to bear pain as much as women. Also, in general, women do live longer than men. So much for women being the weaker sex, huh?!

  7. Brussels Sprouts are wonderful!!!!

  8. I so agree about men and pain etc. They do not suffer silently, at least those I have known well.

  9. Men are big babies. lol

  10. Glad he got the shot. My roommate got her first yesterday and had a bit of a reaction. So, it's not just men.

  11. Men do tend to be either big babies or people who hide everything until it's too late. But in this case, the vaccine acts differently on everyone. I'm happy he got it. Some men have no reaction. Some women have big reactions. Just like the disease. I hope he's OK now. Alana

  12. ... I like Brussels Sprouts :)

    All the best Jan


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Today Is Tuesday, May 14, 2024: This Is What Happened.

  I just noticed that today would have been my Grandfather Clarence's Birthday. If he were alive, he would be old. Okay! He would have ...