Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Today Is Wednesday February 24 2021, This Is What Happen

 Half way though the work week.  Pretty much the same thing. No one is off there rocker or to far off. That's always good. When it comes to my clients and life in general.

Took nothing to the thrift store, in last few days. But I did purchase two items. One was short ruler to put in my creative supplies and bluish pillow case, which I will cut in strips and finish off crochet rag rug. It in the laundry waiting to be washed. It pretty perfume. Although I got other items was so strong of perfume that it send me in to asthma attack.

I swore. No I real didn't cuss. But I thought I had some 8 by 10 envelopes. I looked on line briefly. No need for stack of them. 5 should do me. I did look at thrift store. If I have time I will check the other two thrift store for them. Or I'm guessing Super One would have them. I need to get this size of envelopes so I can move on with my organization and decluttering.

Coffee is on and stay safe


  1. Gosh sorry about the asthma attack.

  2. Perfume is nice, until it sets off an asthma attack. Sorry it happened to you.

  3. Strong perfumes affect my asthma too. Every time someone gets on the bus with too much heavy perfume I have to cover my nose and mouth to be able to keep breathing without choking and coughing.

  4. ...we need to work on decluttering!

  5. We don't like those stinky strong perfumes either. The declutter thing never ends here.

  6. Sorry about the asthma attack, smart to wash it before handling it to crochet etc. I used to have issues with people sending donations that they had sprayed with perfume instead of laundering, so I understand; though I don't have asthma it would give me a headache and cause me to sneeze alot. Good luck with the decluttering. I did some a few years back, and then slacked off and should get back to it. Hope you're stay well, staying safe from the Covid and are able to get your shots soon, if you've not already been successful at doing that.
    Sandy's Space

  7. Don't you hate it when you think you have something, only not to find it. Of course, the minute you buy it, then the ones you knew you had will turn up.

  8. There are always neat finds at the thrift store.

  9. I find the nicest things when I am not looking for !!

  10. Here only "essential" stores are open. It´s frustrating.

  11. Strong perfume can do that Dora, it gives me a headache! Don't you have a stationary/post office where you can buy envelopes?


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Today Is Thursday, May 2, 2024; This Is What Happened.

  I could swear my head was detached; that was yesterday. I forgot all my art supplies. Wednesday, well, first and third Wednesday. I go to...