Thursday, December 31, 2020

Today Is Thursday December 31 2020, This Is What Happen

 New Year eve and usual either eve or the following day we have black eyes peas. But when we were in store it total slip my mind. I been looking up the recipes and just found out some use Italian sausage. We usual use ham hock or salt pork. I also heard of bacon. I am sure we will have it before I go back to work. 

Good News is that Liz did go doctor and it looks like hemorrhoids the internal type. So they're send her off to surgeon. But I am glad that all it is. Confession time...I am not much going to doctor. Last time I went was well over six months for my annual physical. I even once as doctor if they thought I was a hypochondriac. My parents were about opposite when come down being sick. Recall my mother saying if she sick and dying she wouldn't bitch about it. Like her mother did, anther word my grandma...her mom. Even my dad grip about a lot also.

Took Regis around so he pay his bills.

Glad 2020 is gone, although neither one of us lost family because of covid. Both of us had family members who came down with covid. Like I said we hardly go any place.

As we were in store I ran into one my friend. And I really like how she explain about masking wearing or lack of. She call twilighting, you see some people driving around with there lights on and other you don't. That pretty much how you see North Idaho when comes to mask.

No New years resolution or goals. It pretty much carried over from last year. For some reason I don't think the covid is going to magical be gone on the first day of New Year. But I'm hoping to get to two quilt shows in October of 2021. 

Got my finger cross I know have enough fabrics strips cut to finish up crochet rag rug. Left my 2021 blank journal out in my car. It dark and I just have my slippers on, with other night top and blue jeans. Sound fashionable. 

Stay Safe and Coffee is on  


  1. Black eye peas sound good. We made it to 2021!

  2. Happy New Year to you, we have those who dont wear masks too and even more annoying those that do, but they don't cover their noses only their mouths - hope it's a safe year for us all 2021

  3. Anonymous2:16 AM

    If Liz has internal haemorrhoids are they thrombotic haemorrhoids? If so, they will settle themselves in time.

  4. No, "Corinna", as we call the virus will not disappear, hope we learn to live with "her". Happy New Year to you!

  5. eye peas are some thing that I have never had. Perhaps this is the year! Take care.

  6. Happy new year to you! Please take care, stay safe and be well in 2021, not just 2020.

  7. We're having back eyed peas today too. Happy New Year from all of us!

  8. Wishing you the happiest of New Years!

  9. Sending my good wishes for a Happy New Year.

    All the best Jan


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Today Is Saturday, May 18, 2024: This Is What Happened.

 Thought I would blog before now. My emotions are all over the place. Having trouble sorting them out. I found out my friend had died, which...