Saturday, December 12, 2020

Today Is Saturday December 12 2020, This Is What Happen.


Start to press a small pile of yellow fabrics. These four I like, but all colors I mostly like. There a few fall tones I don't care for. So far I got 10 yellow strips cut. I hope now I have enough yellows for 2.5 inch quilt block I'm working on.

Out of the stash I'm working on, which is laid out on the extra bed. Plan to send LIZZI some of the trimming. It slow going. Right now I have 1.2 ounce (34 grams) See where my skills going. I could possible be international drug dealer or pot head.

When I got home from work. I found and set a side my five last pay stubs. For my health insurance we get a premium tax credit. So there certain paper work I need to send to health and welfare here in Idaho. They want to know if we would qualify for Medicaid. Knowing we don't but I have to play there stupid little game. So after every thing is send in. Will get a letter back saying the household of (Surname) which is household of 2 people is over the income limit. And then the paper work I send down to Boise, should be send to my affordable care act insurance carrier. What a pain in tush.

So looks like tomorrow I will gather up our 2019 taxes. Then the rest I need to gather is our utilities and property tax pills for deduction. Then get box wrap in brown shipping wrap that needs to go down to Medford. I all ready send one down there. Still waiting for anther little something. But I am sure it will be here some time next week. That will follow. 

Start to record over at fitday what I ate, looked at the calendar on site. And miss two days of keeping track of what I ate. My maximum calorie I like to do in day is 1,800. I was over 120 I believe.

Both Hubby and I have family members who believes they're putting in nano chips in vaccine for covid virus. Confession time...I find it easy to make fun of these people.  So over on facebook I ask question...Who out there believes they have nano chips in the virus shot. 

Took my client to store today. He and I wore our N95 and my community it easier to count those who don't wear a mask. Not saying I got everyone but it looks like even counting my self and my client they were 15 people who had some type of face covering. The only people I didn't count was the staff.

It was a little snippy today.

Stay Safe and Coffee is on


  1. Anonymous12:21 AM

    It is very easy to make fun of people like those who think chips are being inserted into them. Why do they think they are so personally interesting and targeted?

    Good to hear people are finally masking up.

  2. You have been busy...quilt blocks, paper work (what a hassle) and the work outside the home! Find time to relax.

  3. is all about playing games.

  4. Oh those silly games, dealing with the bureaucracy is never fun.

  5. And the same people buy a smart phone, which actually has the technology that can be used to track them, and they use Facebook and Google and etc .

  6. Nano chips! Crazy.

  7. These people are just too stupid for words. As stated above their cell phone and smart TV already knows everything about them, as it isn't very interesting.
    We were just saying that we would say people are about 95% compliant wearing masks. The only people I saw last week without masks (3) were panhandlers on the subway. One of them just broke my heart and I would have given her something is had been wearing a mask.

  8. I am grateful in Canada we all just have access to health care. It isn't perfect but it is better than nothing.

  9. Glad to hear more of your people are wearing masks now. Please stay safe, the news I hear on TV is horrifying with the number of deaths daily.

  10. Ah, the joys of those that follow all the random conspiracy theories. . .

  11. I have heard the Nano Chips in Vaccine Conspiracy Theory too, by people who are intelligent enough to know better, one a Retired Nurse that I know! I didn't know what to say when she told me, since clearly she was Serious and this is why she will not get the Vaccine even tho' she's Elderly and it's riskier not to get it with her comorbidities! She's a Widow and lives alone so I worry when someone vulnerable Believes such wacky things from Sources that aren't the least bit credible... and yes, confession for me too is that I find it too easy to make Fun of them because it's all so absurd to me what people can be so gullible about sometimes.


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Today Is Saturday, May 18, 2024: This Is What Happened.

 Thought I would blog before now. My emotions are all over the place. Having trouble sorting them out. I found out my friend had died, which...