Monday, December 21, 2020

Today Is Monday December 21 2020, This What Happen

 Had plan to add the story of my Uncle Vern as part as my you tube, FAMILY HOLIDAYS OF PAST AND CHIT CHAT. But I forgot it and now I am past 40 by 20 years.

On one Thanksgiving there was no snow and we went out played American football in my Uncle and Aunt hay field. Usual I ended up being the center. The one who hiked the ball to quarter back, don't recall who was quarter back was. Uncle Vern caught ball and start to run. At that time he was still in his forty. We were just amazed and kept saying..."Look at old goat run" 

Coffee is on


  1. Old goats can move quickly!

  2. Ah yes, back when 40 seemed old. Sigh. The good ol' days.

  3. When we were young and there wasn't much traffic in country towns, kids used to go out into the roads, which were usually dirt roads, and play cricket with their new cricket bats and stumps sets, and sometimes the men would join them, I don't recall a lot of kids playing football, cricket is our summer sport and we have summer for Christmas.

  4. woo American football, a sport that need strong body ahh crash crashhh when i saw it

  5. ...what a surprise, I didn't know that you make YouTube videos! Merry Christmas to you,

  6. Some folks are very fit at 40, even more than when they were young!

  7. When I was a kid, long time ago, 40 was indeed old. Nobody who wasn't a criminal ran back then.


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Today Is Saturday, May 18, 2024: This Is What Happened.

 Thought I would blog before now. My emotions are all over the place. Having trouble sorting them out. I found out my friend had died, which...