Sunday, December 20, 2020

Today Is Sunday December 20 2020, This Is What Happen

Only two Christmas card to do, and these just require signature. I visit with my son quite often and so they not getting a little note, like rest of them. Didn't write much just a few lines. Setting on less cards each year. We have received 12 Christmas cards.

Let me give you the so called news on washer. Our kitchen curtain, they were look on dingy side. Plus toss two towel and which is by the door, to help the cold out. It hasn't been very cold this winter. So four piece went in to the washer. Well as I washing hubby went to store. There were items to be put basement pantry and it had hot spell. He ask me if I was tread mill, and direct answer was no. Notice washer was done and when I open it. The items still was wet and had soap in them. So I set the setting to raise and spin cycle. So after that hubby went and said they didn't spin out like the should. What I am hoping the washer didn't have big enough load to spin it out. I suggest to hubby to wash regular load and see what happen. If it still not spin out like it should and then get out manual and trouble shoot it. Hopeful we don't have to call repair man. 

As I was watch my Sunday show,  Sunday Morning. We just need more up lifting shows. Then the covid and trump toss one of his fits. I mange to do a little embroidery for block I am working on for my oldest grand daughter. But I need to figure out better lighting for my living room. 

Still need to do my book work. Only working up to Wednesday and returning on following Monday. 

Coffee is on


  1. My washer has numbers for the cycles and number 3 is regular and spins out almost dry, but if I accidentally flip the dial to 4 that is for woollen things and things that need to drip dry, so it spins out just half and everything stays soaking wet. So thin I have to turn it to the 6/7 number which is a long spin to finish the clothes to the almost dry point. I hope your washer is okay and doesn't need any major fixing, you don't need that problem right before Christmas.

  2. Anonymous2:37 AM

    Oh dear. Your washing machine problem sounds like it will cost money to fix.

  3. ...I am a lucky guy, my wife takes care of the Christmas cards.

  4. Oh no, I sure hope your washing machine decides to be nice!

  5. I hope Santa will drop off one of his elves to fix your washer.

  6. Good luck with that washer.

  7. You are the second person I have read about having washer issues. Hope it is an easy fix.

  8. Hopefully it was just an anomaly with the washer. It's not fun when that doesn't work.


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Today Is Saturday, May 4, 2024: This Is What Happened.

  When I change cameras, I usually have trouble pulling the photo off the camera onto the laptop. Not this time.   Murphy and I clean some...