Friday, November 06, 2020

Today Is Friday November 6 2020, This Is What Happen

 Gee what to blog about. It seemed like I just did small thing this entire week. Let me say work is a quite bit better. Liz seamed to be getting on better path.

A lot of people in the store. Both sides are saying or believe the other side is going out and causing mayhem. So there stocking up things. You know extra toilet paper. For a few days I think people will be staying close to home. In mind set "We need to protect the Homefront" so I think a very low action going to take place. Simple lot people are nervous about leaving thinking the other side is coming from them. So it at this point it will be a non event. But saying that. At this time those who makes a choice to go out and kick dirt, will usually act complete foolish and end up with legal messes. 

As many of you know our country is pretty polarized. I took a few minutes and checked out who served in the CIVIL WAR My ancestors served on both side. What notice most of them where on the union side. So families for what every reason have there difference. Maybe it order of species. 


Didn't get it my bullet list done this week, although I made a stab at it. I had the intention to finish up some mask during the week. My main issue was the holder for my pressure foot. it now fixed, before Monday I will finish them up. 

Not sure what hubby wants to do. Like I said I would get the elastic on the mask. I also need fold up the fabric on the back of couch and put into the totes.

Though out this post, you can see I got some strips sewn together, and here is possibility way the block might look. Still have a ways to go. 


  1. It looks like these blocks will be bright and colourful.

  2. You do good handi-work!

  3. The masks look nice.

  4. Great pattern! Something to cheer one up.

  5. Your block is looking good and I'm glad to hear Liz is doing better.

  6. ...small things add up.

  7. Fantastic Last Photo There - Be Well


  8. I'd think some people would also be stocking up to stay home because of the coronavirus raging through much of the USA. Take care, be well, and be safe!

  9. Your quilt is coming along. I think Liz is doing better because you are a calming presence for her.

  10. I don't think any of us got much done this week. Next week will be better.

  11. Looks like we are getting closer to seeing the finished quilt, will look amazing ✨


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Today Is Thursday, May 2, 2024; This Is What Happened.

  I could swear my head was detached; that was yesterday. I forgot all my art supplies. Wednesday, well, first and third Wednesday. I go to...