Thursday, November 12, 2020

Thursday November 12 2020, This What Happen

 Been trying to get video done, but lighting been an issue. The sun is to far in southern horizon, plus it over cast last few days, and every so often it spits a few snow flakes. I even consider Liz place and her place is in same boat. Plus it good for her. See she quite STAGNATE and the other day Regis and I went up and did a share art project, and hope to fire a few brain cells. And there been time I let her directed and run camera when I am doing video. Two reason it does help me, see I don't camera lens is seeing and I can talk to fast. And she likes doing for others, before her self and hopefully it fires up some brain cells. 

I was asked if I was going to see either one my son for Thanksgiving. I felt like grabbing them by the front of there shirt and getting into there face, and saying there a pandemic out there. Although I would have my N95 on if I did something like that. If I lived in area that took the pandemic seriously I would consider going and having dinner with my son in Spokane. But since I have Idaho plates I'm little nervous about my car getting fired bombed. 

Managed to get some fabric strips sewn together, and now I am out of yellow. So that means I need to cut more. Not sure if I will cut some of the other main colors, which are blue and red. Oh once in while I will toss in some odd color. Just to make interesting.

Maybe in the morning if there not a blizzard I will do video, bundle up and have cup coffee with everyone.

Stay Safe and Coffee is on


  1. Bring On The Video - Enjoy Your Weekend


  2. ...keep your brain fired up!

  3. My brain decided a vacation is necessary. Wet here but no snow.

  4. It's a shame Covid is messing up all of the holidays.

  5. I just got a picture of you grabbing someone by the shirt collar Dora 😊 Good luck with the vlog ✨

  6. I hope you can do your video.

  7. I'm thinking that Thanksgiving is going to be a nationwide superspreader event.

  8. hope you get your video done, stay safe.

  9. Thanksgiving celebrations can wait till next year, same as Xmas here should. Stay safe. xxx

  10. Yeah, I think Thanksgiving is pretty much cancelled this year. Sigh. Good idea getting Liz to run the camera. Perfect.

  11. I hope Liz manages to find an interest in something.

  12. I think good lighting is key in both videos and photos.

  13. Hopefully a blizzard does not arrive. We are not allowed to travel interstate too over here. Hopefully we get back to past normal and get to visit our love ones again

  14. Oregon has new restrictions in a few days. And I guess the three coastal states have restrictions on travelers coming in or back from out of the three states, to self isolate 14 days. I talked to Boise brother who said "that's to keep us Idahoans out". I asked why he'd say that and he said because we have no restrictions here. Is that true? No real restrictions in Idaho?

  15. I am sorry people aren't taking the pandemic seriously in your part of the world. Sigh.

  16. It is a shame when some areas are not taking the Pandemic seriously and I fear a lot of people will still have large gatherings for the Holidays. I feel so sorry for people in the Medical professions, they are so exhausted and taking such risks to care for those who have gotten the Virus, they must be so upset when they see too much population not taking this serious and making things so much worse!


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Today Is Thursday, May 2, 2024; This Is What Happened.

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