Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Today Is Tuesday October 20 2020, This Is What Happen.


Took the day off, so I could get the things done that takes two people to do. That a in little bit down the post. But I meant my friend Quenella for a bit, we went to Under The Sun for coffee and each of us bought a cookie.

I usually get one of there SEATTLE CHOCOLATE CANDY and now I am thinking maybe getting some for Sawyer In Laws.

So after coffee we walk across the street and we then went to book store. I briefly looked at possible book for Granddaughters and my friend got the item she ordered. She ask the owner of place if he had any problem with his mask and gun mandate. It pretty simple when you enter the store, your to wear a mask and not carry gun. Idaho is an OPEN CARRY STATE so far he said he hasn't had any issues. Only few times outside of sidewalk he heard a few comments.

Afterwards we went over to A LITTLE COMFORT QUILTING and got around a yard of unbleach muslim to do some embroidery blocks for quilt. Quenella saw some fabric she liked for a skirt.

We parted ways. I decided to stop in at ONE OF OUR THRIFT STORE to see what they possible had for used sheets. I found something that would work for a complimentary color for a crochet rag rug I am working on. But if there wasn't nothing there I did have something that would work. But I'm more please with the sheet from the thrift store.

Murphy and I clean out the chimney. He got the snowblower ready, which includes and oil change.

Yesterday I briefly posting about my job as HOME CAREGIVER/PERSONAL CAREGIVER but I would like to answer how I am paid. Both of my clients is on MEDICAID and when it comes right down to it, state of Idaho pays my wages. But they have what called care agency mange the clients and every town has them.

So if someone qualify to have a personal caregiver they pick an agency to go though. Then the agency matches them up with someone to come into there home. The person who comes into there home is to have complete background check. But they don't check out the client, and I could tell you plenty of scary stories.

The state pays the agency and the agency pays the worker. Last I heard the state pays agency around $20 an hour. And depending on agency is what they pay those who go into the home. Here in Idaho it ranges from $7.25 to $15.00 an hour. I get $14.99 and hour.

There was some comment about elderly people. But there people who aren't elderly or seniors. My clients are same ages as me. One a little younger and the other is slightly older. The main reason they get a personal caregiver is because they have mental and emotional issues.

There even people who have children with needs that someone comes in and helps them with their children.

I sage our place and finished sitting up my Samhain altar. It to celebrate our ancestors who came and gone before. I am using a combo of candles and major arcana card. I want to finish the numbers connect with tarot, minor arcana only. Which will finish up today and hopeful tomorrow. Then I will take time and explain why I sat up my altar as I did.

So I will cover the next four cards...Four...Five...Six...and Seven.

Four, one has corner covered, holding steady, well balance.

Five, confuse tension. Group could be uneasy.

Six, Moving a long nicely, growing.

Seven, Waiting and or evaluating.

Up little and went on tread mill for a short time. Have an older tread mill. Going to look for some ear buds or something I can listen to some podcast as I am on tread mill.

Looks like some weather changes are on the way. Rain, Snow and Sleet.

Coffee is on


  1. Muslin has "n' on the end not "m'.
    With "m" on the end it is the religion.
    Does open carry mean they all walk around with their guns in holsters like in the old wild west?

  2. ...does carrying a gun make you safer? Me oldest grandson works in a pizza shop at the front counter, at 6'3" and 235lb he is the bouncer of sorts and asks anti-maskers to leave.

  3. That always helps listening to something as you do your work-out routine. Texas also has concealed weapon laws

  4. Muslin, now I understand, I was confused ��
    My Brother told me one of our cousins has a carer now, too. She is 53 years old and fails in daily things...

  5. Wonderful post Dora, so much to hear about. Was interesting re your job, clients and how much you earn. I can't believe people can walk around with guns there, try that here and you would be arrested quick smart! Love your altar table, the table cloth you used is so pretty.. keep up the treadmill time 💜

  6. Thanks for clearing up that your clients are not elderly. Good that these people get good help too.

  7. Masks and guns...if you don't need a mask cause G-d will keep you safe, why do you need a gin?

  8. I'm glad you and your friend were able to get together. Your alter is very pretty!

  9. I know caregivers, and some have a lot of scary stories about their clients. Then again some of those who have had caregivers have scary stories too, about caregivers who never show up on time, threaten them and steal. My father got ripped off by his caregiver and so did his father before him, my grandfather. She and her boyfriend had the gall to drive their van to his backdoor to load up on his stuff.

  10. In Ohio, I saw a sign for a concealed-carry class on a church! That doesn't seem right to me. Potlucks, fundraising craft shows, Vacation Bible School, Sunday school classes, choir practice, yes. Concealed Carry class? Sorry, it doesn't seem right to me.

  11. I imagine your job is a bit like the one-to-one aides some of the students have (except in that case the aides are assigned via the school). What they do varies depending upon what the students need. Some need more assistance. Sometimes the students just need a prodding, so the aide doesn't do much.

  12. Oh yes, I like a little bit of chilli spice in my chocolate.

  13. Everybody open carries down here, Dora. I'm not sure how safe it is for the ones who open carry to be wearing masks... That feels like a crime just waiting to happen...


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Today Is Thursday, May 2, 2024; This Is What Happened.

  I could swear my head was detached; that was yesterday. I forgot all my art supplies. Wednesday, well, first and third Wednesday. I go to...