Thursday, October 08, 2020

Today Is Thursday October 8 2020, This Is What Happen

 Not total true statement. Statement time...I like to visit blogs that our diversified. I thought I had pretty round blogger pals. Any of them, would lean in variety of ways depending issue at hand. But I notice I have none who might display a confederate flag and or a nazi flag. Or just haven't shown one. Confession time...I think if I ran into a blog with either one of these symbols. I would so much not even comment and call them all sort of fowl things under my breath.  I add two blogs to my reading, BOHEMIAN VALHALLA  and MISTRESS MADDIE. Hope you find time to check them out.

Short day at work. A little worried about hubby healthy. He doesn't have the vigor as he once did. He constantly in some type of pain. It usual one or two heavy duty project a day. In morning he does is stretching routine. As I was at work he pulled out air conditioner window united. He want to manage his pain without opioids.  I can't blame him. They do have there place, but I think in long run they don't take care of the issues, and actual do more harm. There was a few chores I did before I left. I clean bathroom sink and mirror. Made the bed, and help hubby divided up some meat. 

Looks like I am halfway through cutting my yellow stripes, for my upcoming quilt. I should have them cut out before first part of next week. Then on to browns and beige fabrics. So hopeful around the mid month I can start sewing. 

Yesterday in my blog post I mention my Samhain altar and I was going to use tarot cards, major arcana to match there sun sign. I start to look at my family tree of those who have past and what there major arcana sign would be. Most of my mom siblings have gone. This morning I was update info on my Aunt Alice who would of been born on cusp of Pisces and Aries. The card for her would be Moon and Emperor. I never knew my Aunt Alice as what I heard she didn't have an easy life. Possible a lot of emotional abuse from her mom, my grandma. Then my Aunt Alice son Leroy is also gone. His major arcana card would been Hierophant. He is so much older then me. He would of turn 16 that year I was born. Shortly after high school he went into the army and did 20 years.  See both my maternal grandparent major arcana card would be the moon. See I am learning my great grandma Anna, was emotional abusing her daughter Olive, that became my grandma.

I did get a walk in today. 

Coffee is on



  1. ...the sight of a confederate flag turns my stomach and I see a lot of them around here!

  2. It's good to have a variety of blog friends. I shy away from the overtly political and anybody who is not ironic about the Confederate flag is a no go for me. The Swastika, that is pretty serious stuff there.

  3. Sorry hubby not doing well.

  4. Hope hubby finds some way to manage his pain better.

  5. Hope your Hubby gets better soon. Here you end up in jail for displaying such a flag...

  6. Thank You for the Shout Out of Mad's Blog and mine, that was so sweet. We aren't for everyone, but then, who is, right? *Winks* I have the Tarot but never learned to read them, my Mom did everything but Tarot I think, she read Tea Leaves, Read people and could predict things with such accuracy that it often frightened American people. I think they thought her to be a Witch, but then, my Grandson has told me that's what people think I am too... but he added they think I'm a Good one, but it still scares them. *LOL* I am Christian but due to the Cultures of my Parents I had exposure to other ways too, my Dad was Native American and my Mom is European with a Colorful Family Tree that included Welsh, Irish, Didi Kai and a Father raised by a Chinese Family who was a Buddhist. So we got a lot of ground covered. *Ha ha ha* The Man has had decline in Health too so I can empathize with the worries you have for your Hubby. May they both have a Healing Touch, chronic Pain is very difficult a burden to bear.

    1. I visited you and MM and left you both comments. :)

  7. I hope your hubby is not seriously ill. - And I checked out both blogs and I love them! Thanks for sharing, Dora. Be safe up there!

  8. Not really a fan of flags in general Dora. Hope your hubby feels better soon there's nothing more tiring than being in pain.

  9. I try to be open to diverse blogs, but I just can't abide those who are very pro the orange menace. It denotes a lack of empathy and a tendency towards white supremacy that I just can't stomach. So, I'll keep to my little bubble.

  10. I have one blogger "friend" that I really like. But just lately have the feeling that she supports the orange menace which makes me uncomfortable. I'm not sure what I should do.

    1. Anonymous3:17 PM

      You can have friends who have different political views, but you can't really have friends who support extremists like him.

  11. We all get old. Seems my knee cortisone shot is wearing out. Back to limping and stiffness, but am trying to ignore it.

  12. I hope your hubby feels better soon. Has he gone to the doctor? Just a thought.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. ♥

  13. Hoping hubby feel better soon ~ hope the wind has subsided where you live ~ Be well yourself ~ Xox

    Live each moment with love,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  14. Anonymous3:15 PM

    I think we make blog mates with people who think a bit like us.

  15. Oh gee, I hope hubby feels better again soon.

  16. After the Civil War, Robert E Lee said, "Furl that flag." Good advice, but it seems like a lot of people are sorry that the Civil War is over. In fact, for too many, it's still going on.


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Today Is Saturday, May 4, 2024: This Is What Happened.

  When I change cameras, I usually have trouble pulling the photo off the camera onto the laptop. Not this time.   Murphy and I clean some...