Thursday, August 13, 2020

Today Is Thursday August 13 2020, This Is What Happen


This for now is last photo of our trip to greenwood graveyard in spokane. The other ones will be video clip and I have to use youtube. I wonder why a robe or blanket draped over. My question is symbolic of it.

Work day was quite. Nothing new and usual I am happy with that. After Regis Appointment, he and I drove over to Riverside and looked at the local fairground parking lot. It was about half full and as we looked across the way, look like nearly no one had a mask. Like I said yesterday I'm not attending and I feel safer in my neighboring state of Washington.

I talk to Qunella a short while ago and we talked about her upcoming cataract procedure. Well afterward she stop in at our local meat market. Well she like me and other small percentage who wears a mask. And they made fun of her wearing a mask. 
She believes there Trump supporters. I also guess the same. But I'm fairly sure a lot of people in my area going to be disappointed on election, about Trump not getting a second term.  

Hubby and I briefly talked about what we would like to do once we retire. He into science and thought a good quality microscope which is fine. I like to look at textures, shapes and such. For myself I suggested  it would be cool to go and see some art exhibits. 

Coffee is on



  1. Let the non-mask-wearers laugh all they want. You are safer than they are and they may realise that if they catch Covid. I hope they don't, so many have already gotten ill and died.

  2. I don't get why its political. It's practical is what it is and prudent.

  3. You can post videos here also.

  4. Hari OM
    Not sure there is any perticular symbolism of the draping on the stone - other than that they had the money to do it! YAM xx

  5. It really irritates me that people say it's against their freedoms to have to wear a mask. Well, what about my freedoms?

  6. Nice to ponder retirement. Good to have a plan.

  7. once you retire there are so many things you can do! I like going thru cemeteries.

  8. Only in America is wearing a mask considered political. Which is why we haven’t beaten this virus, and why the rest of the world pities us.

  9. Masks are mandatory here and there really isn't any issue with it. You see the occasional non-conformist but not many.

  10. I love cemeteries. There are 2 near my work that I walk through at lunch sometimes.

  11. I don't get why mask wearing is political. My MAGAt roommate wears hers. I think some people just don't like them, and they're making any excuse they can not to wear it.


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Today Is Thursday, May 16, 2025: This Is What Happened.

I mowed some of the yard. It was quite breezy today. Then there were those indoor chores. I found a game called Farm Merge Valley, sort of l...