Sunday, August 23, 2020

Today Is Sunday August 23 2020. This Is What Happan

 Yesterday Murphy and I went to Spokane to visit my youngest son and my granddaughters. We had lunch over at my son in law. We ate outside and social distance. When social distance wasn't happening I stuck on my mask. All had a great visit. But with covid things sure have change and I am trying to make the best of it.

Brief few lines as we was driving though kootenai county and believe around Hayden area in some church parking lot they were having a trump rally like thing. Didn't pull in. What I could see none of them had mask on. And saw I believe was less five rigs with big old confederate and or don't tread on me. Confession time...I find these people intimidating and I know there all over the world. 

Recorded everything I ate today over on fitday and my calorie count was over, by 450 calories all though no things like cookie, candy bar and etc. But it seem like once I had two basic hot dog I felt hungry all day. I drank water most of day although I doubt I meant my goal of 40oz. It now past 7 and nothing is to into my mouth except water.

Hubby went to store and got a new product from Safeway. Chicken patties with mixture of peppers and little cheese in them. There ok or I could say "middle of road" But in my calorie count I could find anything that would be close to these was burger king chicken sandwich. I know usual have high calorie count. 

I just dabbled about around the place and got rid of fourth of my purse. Before I took them out to my car I went through them. I came up with little over $80 and my charms and rocks I pack around. Oh I found my glasses. One thing I haven't yet figure out where or how to organize my wallet. Now I got more area around my sewing machine. Now to be organized enough to sew. 

So I got a few things go into the thrift store. 5 purses, 3 ring binders it was wrong size and size I am looking for is 4 inch three ring binders, and a small pitcher. 

Well I did a little over 6 minute video on FLAT TAXES & ONE PAYER MEDICAL and who every suggest just talk about topic was right so much easier. Even if I covered two. Going to work my bullet journal shortly. Read some blogs and watch some video.

Coffee is on


  1. You got rid of a fourth of your purses then went to a thrift store and bought 5 more? Tsk Tsk (shakes finger)

    1. Maybe I am wrong. I think you mean 5 more purses TO GO to thrift store.

  2. Anonymous12:19 AM

    Good that you had a family visit. These rallies sound awful and full of awful people. I'll try to catch your video tomorrow.

  3. I clean my purses out and put them in the lobby for anyone who wants them. I do the same with books. There is always someone who wants or needs.

  4. I'm glad to hear you had a good visit, Spokane used to be very pretty many years ago, I'm sure it still is.

  5. It's good to get organized. I wouldn't worry about one day over your calorie count, so long as the rest of the week is OK

  6. Hi Dora, it really is so hard to keep that calorie count down, especially if you have a sweet tooth like me 😉 Good to hear you had a visit with your son and grandchildren, they would have been so happy to see you. Yes we do have predator birds here, there was an Osprey flying around looking for something to eat, couldn't get a good picture of it unfortunately. Will look out for your video 💜

  7. Great you can visit!
    Do you put cucumber/ginger and that in your water? Endless ideas.

  8. you are so good about using your mask.

  9. Oh my, I'm a mess right now. I envy you getting organized.


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