Saturday, July 11, 2020

Today Is Saturday July 11 2020, This Is What Happen.

Usual when it real hot. Murphy and I head usual up in mountains. This time we drove up into the Selkirks, up to Smith Creek drainage.
It up by Canada. (Photo above is Cow Creek falls)

I thought I would share a few photos and also my day. Something about mountain driving and fresh air makes you tired. (Photo above is Indian Paint Brush)

Earlier in the day I tried to make an you tube video, twice I can out of  card space. So I need to go though my SD card or should by bigger one. Hopeful tomorrow I can get it done. (Photo above some unknown mountain flowers)

Quite a few of lakes I been to in that area, had to hike into. One I haven't been to is WEST FORK
Saw quite a few people camping. (Photo above is Smith Creek Dam)

Pair of my jean shorts was washed in some real strong scent laundry soap and it was giving me asthma attacks. So I soak it some vinegar and hung it clothes line to dry. Then will run it though the washer again.
(Photo above is Kootenai Valley looking down from smith creek. The mountain you see is Hall mountain part of Purcells) 


  1. Gorgeous area. Too bad about the shorts.

  2. Lovely views, I like the creek. Water over rocks is my favourite thing.
    I always delete photos from my SD card as soon as they are on the computer, that way I never run out of space on it. Mine is 8GB, the one that came with the camera is only 1GB, so I took the 8GB from the smaller camera and put it in the big one and bought a 4GB for the smaller camera.

  3. Those mountains sure are pretty and such a nice place to go to beat the heat.

  4. Oh my gosh what a beautiful series of photos you have treated us to today.. good luck with the vlog ✨

  5. Beautiful, oh such a BEAUTIFUL area!

  6. I thought fresh air refreshes? In any case, hope your tired was a good tired!

  7. Beautiful shots of the mountains

  8. Going up into the mountains is always nice when it gets hot. SD cards have gotten cheap. You might want to invest in a few for more room for videos.

  9. Lovely photographs, Cow Creek falls looks amazing.

    All the best Jan

  10. Gorgeous area you explored!!!!


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Today Is Monday, March 17, 2025: This Is What Happened.

It been a little while since I've posted anything. Doing fine. Not all that much going on. I'm sure all of you know what going on w...