Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Today Is Tuesday June 23 2020, This Is

It findly wamed up in Northern Idaho. So we stuck in our standing air condition. And the small bedroom has lap top and sewing machine in. It window on west side and sun beats in and it feels like sauna. I like to put in a small window air condition. Right now I am watch PBS news hour.

I was happy with my weigh in. So next Tuesday I will be sending up my quarter goal. Our weight lost group weighing and meeting was in Tuesday. And I'm going to keep it that day. My weight was 201.6
If found it works better for me. If I weight only on even days. Except on Tuesday.

The apartment where Liz lives sold. She was worried about her section 8. See there not many options for those who have rental voucher.
The state picks up part of her rent. They say there up to market value. Oppion time...There not.
Well it looks like every thing is working out.

Went and had a cup of coffee with Qunella. I was parked across from the post office and as I was heading to work. Some lady had a card table with a small sign saying remove "Brad Little" I guess there was some type of petition...There a few up here been on a crusade to remove our govermor.
There some who up set that our governor shut down the state to do Covid. They seem to be plenty of those who thinks it hoax or rapture.
Statement time...There Nuts.

I was hoping and tried to make a you tube video and just a little ways into making it. My SD card was full, so I need to go though the card. I keep saying I want to put my photo and such on a thumb drive.
But do I. The short answer is no.

Coffee is on


  1. Can you put some kind of awning on the outside of that west facing window and thermal lined curtain fabric on the inside? It helps a lot to keep out the heat and lower the temperature. My front window has no shade from north and west and as soon as my son-in-law put up my thermal lined curtains the temperature inside dropped a lot right away. Then later I had an awning put up on the outside so that was even better. A couple of years later my brother put in air-conditioning for me as well.
    Does Liz get to stay in her flat or will she have to move?

  2. I like River's idea. Anyway to block the heat is a win for us here too. We live in a trailer and that's similar to living in a long tin box.

  3. There is nothing worse than not being able to get comfortable inside your home. Wether it’s to keep warm durning the winter or cool in summer
    Our homes should be a relief
    I hope you find a solution to your temp issues

  4. I hope when you say things are warming up, you don't mean 30 degrees C! That s our daily temperature here. I am hoping for things to COOL down, Enjoy your summer.

  5. Here itonly warms up slowly, we have the cellar underneath, a pain!

  6. Anonymous4:48 AM

    Good that you watch the unbiased PBS news.

  7. The nuts are everywhere! Yes, it sure is air conditioner time here too.

  8. It rained here and is a lot cooler this morning.

  9. That hoax killed 122,000 Americans and it's still going strong. And the idiots don't want to wear masks...

  10. It's warming up your way and cooling down mine Dora 😊 Hard to believe there are some who think the virus is a hoax after so many people dying from it 😱 Keep up the good work re your weight loss ✨

  11. Good job on the weight loss and I’m happy that you found a path (even days) that works for you in terms of weighing in!!!

  12. It was 108 here yesterday so we have a new living room AC and we put in the window AC as well in the bedroom.

  13. There are petitions out to recall our governor, too. And the mayor of my city. (Just saw that yesterday.) I'm not sure what they're pissed about now.

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  .The other day, I was at our local library. Taking care of some so called financial. I might as well tell everyone in blogger land. Murph...