Saturday, June 20, 2020

Today Is Saturday June 20 2020, This Is What Happen

Last two days it was so routine and I decided not to post. Plus I was tired. And wishing my retirement income would be same as Murphy when I was 63. Wondering how I could even make it till I was 65.

Weigh in this morning, one of first things I do. Well is what I need to do, what needs to change or corected in me getting more healthier both phyiscal and or emtionally. I might as well now give you a number 203 (92) and yes I did make my quaterly goal. But keeping a 3 pound (1.3 kilograms) maintenace.
Last two work days been out of wack when comes to eating. If I pack a common sense lunch I feel I can keep with in my calorie bounds of 1,600 to 1,800 and I loose weight without feeling hungry.

Murphy and I finished moving and organizing the cedar wood. The good stuff is pile in shed/barn. The rest is down in basement. I believe most of that will be used for kindling, and non hold fire. Large pieces of wood will hold fire much better. After labor day one could build fire in early hours and it will burn less then hour and take the floor coldness away.
Editor Note...Need to learn on how to work with new blogger. Tried to delate one of rose photos

The wind god(dess)  Anemoi dried clothes just fine. Not sure which way it arrive or left. 

Since I am talking about hubby at this time. In the old day and doing family history research I had relatives of pass get divorce, Grounds I ran into was some type of crulity and ususal with alchol, narcotic and or mentally abusive.
Then the other one was abandment
Confession time....when we were first married both of us want to be on top and both of us was cruel to each other. I recall in middle of night I grab his finger and bent them back  to tell him I am the boss.
Over years I learn to pick my battles and anytime you go to war. You might win but there going to be caulities.
Also I thought divorce would of been way to kind.
Let move forward to presant day...My husband get frustrate I believe quite easily, he lacks tools in handling frustration. Not saying I lack tools in some aspect in my life.
But he love going into wood and getting firewood. He made it so miserble because his way he handling the mole hill into mountain. I know our son Sawyer can't stand getting fired wood with him. Pretty sure Bart feels the same.
One thing he is no shape to get firedwood. Now I would hand him his divorce paper of firewood gathering. Then if he join and got involved with Christain Fundamental Evangelical church. Now watch me come back in my next life and be connect some how with fundamentals. 

Our local pagan group hasn't got together and we haven't had ritual since 2019. I believe it was Mabon. I personal been trying to do a small ritual on wheel of year.
Right now it first day of summer. Or I call Lithia. or Reckoning of time, The Holly King returns and defeats the Oak King. it cycle of world. Very slow days will getting shorter and crops will be pushed to be harvest. 
Next round for kings will be Winter Soltice or us pagan call yule. Oak king is strongest during the summer time. 
My little ritual was pretty short, with being just my self. Used Scotch and cherrios to toast the spirts and those who stop in. 
Candle couldn't kept going. 
Meditated a bit on merging and reunify. As many you know I lean to liberal side. But I know there conservatives and I have thing in common. Even if it simple as a chocolate chip cookie and we could find common ground.
I believe majorty want best for there neighbor and it doesn't matter how close or far. Also mediated on understanding less blaming and kindness.

I did world lay out with set of tarot deck. How I see or readed the three keys part I say was...:Crippling Emotion, Not or Being Wasteful, and Treating Other With courtsey. 
I even did personal lay out for my self/

A few of my flowers are in bloom. Like mention the deer before. There was deer who snorted duing my ritual. 

Well our community is doing a thing that you do gift package up and leave on someone door step. Just to brighten up someone day.
After Wednesday I will explain more and show what my summer bag will contain. And I might even show when the bags are drop off on some step.

Hope everyone enjoyed few flowers I got chance to photo and share. I might even link this blog to my other social media.


  1. Anonymous5:57 AM

    Gosh, that was a very raw and honest post.

  2. Those flowers sure are pretty and I hope you get all rested up.

  3. Beautiful flowers and thanks to the wind God(Des) haha

  4. Yeah, I've had issues with the new Blogger, too.

  5. I wonder if deleting a photo is the same as in old blogger? double click on the image and then click on your backspace button on the keyboard.

  6. Haven´t tried the new blogger yet...

  7. Hmmm. I haven’t tried the new blogger I’m nervous!

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Today Is Tuesday, March 11, 2025: This Is What Happened

  .The other day, I was at our local library. Taking care of some so called financial. I might as well tell everyone in blogger land. Murph...