Thursday, June 25, 2020

Today Is Thursday June 25 2020, This Is What Happen

A smooth day all way around. Still trying to get my ninja bag together. Thought I would of be delivering my ninja bag, today or tomorrow. But look like it will be going, finger cross beginning of next week.
End of this post I made a short video on our local wine ninja...

We have our first case of COVID 19 and still people think it a hoax. My husband isn't feeling smurfy and wondering if he has covid. 
He ask me how to get test for covid. And the hospital rather keep there numbers down for emergency department. 
So he first need to get a order from his doctor for lab to run any test. Which includes such thing as xray.
I know the medical clinic we use send there patient over to our local health dist. 
Plus it just could be a summer cold.

I was wondering about SUPER ONE and there policy with there employees and mask. See where I live none of there employees wear masks. But if you to the one in Sandpoint all of there employees have mask on.
I ask on a local facebook group hoping to get an answer. One person thought it was because Sandpoint county of Bonner has reported 24 covid cases. And before today we had no reported cases.
Other people who I would guess are Trump supporter and believes this entire thing is a hoax.

Coffee is on


  1. Replies
    1. Reg is my client Murphy is my husband. But Thank you I am lean toward a summer cold

  2. I'm sorry to hear you have Covid in your area now. Also sorry your hubby is not well. Can he just go to the hospital for testing without a certificate from doctor? We do that here, if you have any symptoms, go straight to hospital and get tested, then go straight home and isolate yourself. It takes about 48 hours for the test results to come back. Well, here it does, I don't know about over there. if he isn't feeling well, I think you should play safe and both wear masks until he is tested and cleared.

  3. Scary, best wishes it is not Covid!
    Nice of you to pack that Ninja bag!

  4. We hope that whatever it is your husband is all better soon.

  5. When will people stop thinking it's a hoax? If 122,000 dead won't convince them it's not, what will? Stay well!

  6. So sorry to read that you have Covid 19 in your area now.
    I do hope your hubby gets better soon, and if needs be a test can be arranged for him.

    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  7. I will be hoping it's a summer cold. So many people in this country are learning the hard way, but it's the innocent who will suffer. I will hope he can get a test. Even here in New York State, where testing is readily available now, they would rather you not try to go to the ER unless you are having issues like great difficulty in breathing. Alana

  8. My city has where to get tested on their website. Is your city doing testing? I would hope it would be easier to get a test, at least to be certain.

  9. Fingers and toes crossed that it's a summer cold Dora, take extra care both of you. I cannot believe so many think it's still a hoax, so disrespectful to the thousands who have died and their families ✨

  10. Your ninja bag is full of treasures as you endlessly take out one by one. It seems bottomless!Be safe now that Covid-19 has been detected in your area, especially in the mature residents where immunity is lower. I am also amazed that people think the coronavirus pandemic is a huge fake, while daily news are reporting new cases and deaths worldwide. What will it take to convince these people there is a real deadly virus out there?

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  12. I don't understand where the paranoia and conspiracy theories come from.


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Today Is Tuesday, March 11, 2025: This Is What Happened

  .The other day, I was at our local library. Taking care of some so called financial. I might as well tell everyone in blogger land. Murph...