Sunday, June 28, 2020

Today Is Sunday June 28 2020, This Is What Happen

I thought I would of posted by now. It was toss up I was tired and or real nothing new to blog on. 

Hubby and I went to store and got new gas cook stove. Our stimulus check has gone for three new appliances. Dish washer is fairly new still.
I am trying to think when we got our fridge.

Off to the doctor tomorrow. Hubby got rash that covers 80% of his body. No real fever and been taking ANTIHTAMINE  can't say that really helping, but it not getting worst.
He has a slight dry cough. And around 4 in the evening his left hand by his middle, index finger and thumb slightly swells up and by morning it back to normal.
Of carouse one is so worried about Covid and it strange virus, to say the lease. If this article is correct 20% GETS SKIN RASH  with covid.
Not trying to jump to conclusion. If they send him over to get tested. We both have to quarantine for 14 days. Since I am spouse not sure if they will test me or figure we both might have it.
I will be able to draw unemployment.

Mask still not popular here in Idaho. As we went down to Spokane stop in at Sandpoint Super One and saw or seem like more people in store had masks on. But still not the majority.
Washington state you have to wear a mask out and about, or you could possible get a ticket for a misdemeanor fine. In Washington it up $1,000 fine and or up to 90 days in jail.
Murphy talk to his sister faith and she says hardly anyone there where mask either she is down around Courd' Alene
I just don't get it what people have problems with MASK.

Not of very CONSISTENT person but wouldn't call my self a WISH WASHY person either. I honestly thought the bullet journal would help. I use to make list of things I want to accomplish and just wrote it on piece of paper. But then I had issue with paper clutter. I still don't have printer.
Two more days of June and last day I will be setting my new quarterly goal for my health. Plus I haven't given up on my bullet journaling. Plus I been told if you write it down you will more likely to complete it.
I been watching Dr Who video with JODIE WHITTAKER, actual I would like to start with the first FIRST DOCTOR WHO which was WILLIAM HARTNELL. I also like RED DWARF


  1. I did not know a rash was one of the symptoms.
    I remember the First Doctor, William Hartnell. My friend and I used to rush home from school to her house and we would watch it together, back in the 1960s. I never did see the entire series and haven't watched any of the new ones. I didn't like the Doctor who came after the David Tennant one, that's when I stopped watching.

  2. I write everything down. Over the years I wonder if it gives me a lazy memory. Keep us posted on Regis, rashes are puzzling. Maybe just an allergy hopefully.

  3. It seems a lot of new symptoms are showing up these days so, it's best to be tested.

  4. I sure hope you and your hubby are both okay and that it isn't covid.

  5. Still crossing fingers for hubby Dora. We haven't had to wear masks here but if we had to I definitely would. I think Jodie Whittaker is doing a brilliant job as Dr Who 💙 Can't believe June is almost over!

  6. I hope Murphy will be ok

    So you're into timey wimey things now? I started watching the Doctor in the Matt Smith days. I;ve seen all the Eccleeston, Tennant, smith, Capaldi and Whittaker episodes. As for the originals, I've seen some of the Tom Baker stuff...

  7. Hope your husband's okay.

    If you're going to start Doctor Who from a beginning, I'd suggest the reboot with the 9th Doctor from 2005. That's where I jumped in, and it was after a long time of the Doctor not being on. (It kind of ended in the '80s.)

    I'm the opposite. If I write stuff down or make lists, I'm less likely to get things accomplished. "Hold me accountable"? This is why I don't post goals on my blog or elsewhere. I don't know who it helps, but it must help people, because that advice is everywhere. I'm just weird, I guess.

  8. Everyone wears masks over here as a sign of respect to the community.


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Today Is Tuesday, March 11, 2025: This Is What Happened

  .The other day, I was at our local library. Taking care of some so called financial. I might as well tell everyone in blogger land. Murph...