Friday, May 01, 2020

April Report 2020

Not sure when I start to type out my blog post was going to start with a drawing of mine, or report so it looks like I will be doing PERSONAL INSIGHT
You are shrewd and skeptical.
You are independent: you have a strong desire to have time to yourself. You are deliberate: you carefully think through decisions before making them. And you are philosophical: you are open to and intrigued by new ideas and love to explore them.
Your choices are driven by a desire for organization.
You are relatively unconcerned with both achieving success and tradition. You make decisions with little regard for how they show off your talents. And you care more about making your own path than following what others have done.

Now I would like to go though some of the consumer needs...
Structure is at 76%...I have issue with people who don't have basic plan. No I don't need a minute to minute plan or right down to nats ass.
But a general ideal what needs to be done or where thing are heading.
Stability is at 45%...I wasn't sure where this would be. I have wonder or question what kind of basket case I am.
My husband said if a ship was going down, he said I would stay calm and get everyone off.
Curiosity...36% I love exploring things and growing in all direction emotional and intelligence. And also stay safe.
Self expression...7% with out social media I believe I might even be lower in this area. I would like to see improvement in expressing my self.
Closeness...6% I have issue with our local populace here in North Idaho. Not sounding self absorb and not anti social I find a closeness to those who surrounds me, as spirits....Statement time...I bet there a few saying “Nut Case”
Practicality... 6% I would love to find the best balance between practicality and go by the tail wind.

30 days in April so for 22 days I recorded what I ate, moods, and did journal. Which I copied from my blog.
This month my average calorie intake was 1,977 and last week or so month I plan to reduce my calorie in take to 1,600 to 1,800 calories.
My fat gram average for the month was 67.2 or almost 5 tablespoon or one could look at as a little over tablespoon a week. Not all fat is bad for you.
I still struggle with getting my steps in my daily goal is 7,500 and personal water goal is 40oz. It seem I only make the step goal of 7,500 is one day a week.
My weight hasn't real change for the month at all.

General speaking April been on dry side. Looks like our mountains around here has plenty snow on top.

Garden got rototilled. Coccus, Easter Hyacinths, and Daffodils bloomed. Daffodils just start end of April. The deers munched on my tulips. Not impressed.

Happy Beltane Day. I will let you google what Beltane is. I now want to move onto PAINT PARTY FRIDAY. As for my creative side I wish I had more time to be creative. I been slowly working on my ATC cards, and I am doing a serious of food related theme. This here is done in colored pencils “Spilled Coffee” Now I need come with two things that start with letter “D” is food related. I only came up with doughnuts.

Coffee is on


  1. Another D food is Dates.

  2. Hope you reach your goals! Have a good weekend!

  3. You planned a lot, I only plan when it is really needed. But for the moment with this lockdown I am so lethargic !

  4. Have some coffee, good advice. Thanks for dropping by my blog


  5. How about dumplings for a D food? Sounds yummy!

  6. HåPpÝ BěLTåNé, Dora!
    Love your little spilled coffee sketch - lots of flowers blooming here in Western Oregon - some seem early!
    Hmm - maybe a Deli sandwich?
    Happy PPF!

  7. Happy Beltane ~ good luck with calorie counting and sweet little drawing ~ thanks,

    Be Well,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  8. Do come to Paint Party Friday!

    1. Nice work on the spilled coffee!

  9. Good luck with your goals, and keep creating! Happy PPF!

  10. Creating is so important to the mind and soul, at least to me. I have to create something everyday even if it's something small I just need to keep those creative juices flowing. - Your spilled coffee sketch was very creative. Do more! :)

  11. It's useful to have the blog to record things for you.

  12. spilled coffee leads to liquid creativity ....Dark chocolate comes to mind......


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