Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Today Is Tuesday April 28 2020, This Is What Happen.

This morning I went for a short walk, half of my set distance. Weigh in at home for our tops meeting. I maintaining since Idaho shut there door do to Covid 19.
No hip trouble today So glad.

We sharing our garden with neighbors. So our neighbors are young Mennonite family with four children, 2 boys and 2 girls.

This morning before work I once again set the timer. Did some organizational I would say prefix of pre would be more fitting.
Went though pile of magazines and just put in sack and drop off in front of thrift store.
As I was going though the magazine. I ran into a catalog called CONNECTING THREAD which is a quilter or sewing catalog.
Here is conversation I had with my self.

Self 1: (holding up catalog) How I better not toss this out. I might find a pattern I like in here.

Self 2: Gee you got tons of things on quilting. And you can't even find half of your stuff.

Self 1: But that special pattern could be in there.

Self 2: Yes it could be. The key word is “could be!” (Sticking it in sack) well I have a drawer full of patterns, and shelf full of quilting patterns,books and those are scattered about.

Retail is opening Friday here in Idaho. I think and feel it to early. I know I don't need anything and I been keeping a low profile in stores.

Meant my friend Quellnella at Georgia Plaza in town. Coffee shop isn't open yet, so on my way into town I stop at got two cups of coffee to go from zip trip. Shared and laugh about variety things in life.

Coffee is on


  1. Hoarding fabric?

    But you use it!

    And I’ve seen your work. It’s beautiful.

  2. Retail opening Friday! I think too early, be careful.

  3. Yay to your hip!
    Haha, I read you! Always hard to resist!

  4. Anonymous2:31 AM

    Yes, you have to be hard on yourself to get rid of things. Maybe in Idaho you will be ok with the Friday opening up, but many states won't be.

  5. Our stores opened Monday here, not too bright I think. Glad your hip is doing okay!

  6. But you can connect to all things in catalogs online nowadays. This is why I don't keep catalogs around. I subscribe to those businesses' mailing lists, and if I want something, I can get there via their emails. Cuts down on paper clutter. Inbox clutter... Well, that's a different issue.


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Today Is Thursday, May 2, 2024; This Is What Happened.

  I could swear my head was detached; that was yesterday. I forgot all my art supplies. Wednesday, well, first and third Wednesday. I go to...