Saturday, April 18, 2020

Today Is Friday April 18 2020, This Is What Happen.

It all went smooth. Got the old washer up out basement. We laid piece of tin and laid the washer on tin. The pick up pulled it laying on the tin. Then just rolled into the bed of the pickup. We had two barrels with trash and the other trash was basic household.
Then some cardboard.

After going to the dump, we went to hardware store. For some beet and grass seed. Only thing they had was grass seed. Most people didn't have a mask on and I just wait out rig. Let my husband run and grab the items.

It been rainy and damp most of the day. So I got the tread mill. I need to look over last week eating and such. A few weigh in I did this week I been sliding up.
As for this week as for vitamin I seam to be lacking is “D” 3 foods I ate actual had vitamin d in.
The highest vitamin I was in was the B12. 5 food I ate actual had vitamin B12 in.
13 different type of foods I had today.

I worked on some mask and should be able to show them tomorrow. Will be making six of them. Three for woman and the other three for men.
The only difference is the length of the elastic. Woman I cut 6 ½ and men there cut 7¼ inches. I can out of muslin and order some. It just got ship out today.
Plus got more quilt blocks sewn together. Not sure how many blocks I got done.


  1. Here in NY wearing masks is now mandatory

  2. I always have really good vitamin D levels because I go out every day for a walk and here in Australia we get a lot of sunshine which helps with vitamin D. I get a bit low on B vitamins and zinc because I don't eat enough red meat.
    Sweetcorn and mushrooms have vitamin D in them.

  3. Some information on masks from Hong Kong (where there's been pretty much near universal mask-wearing since January) that I hope will help, including re mask-making:-

  4. Anonymous9:27 PM

    That's a clever way to move the old washing machine.

  5. The whole world needs masks and learn more internet ! Maybe that's the future, not the masks I hope !

  6. I take vitamin D pills.

  7. I'm glad you got the old washer out. Our Dad is headed to the dump with lots of donations soon!

  8. I'm looking forward to seeing your masks. I haven't been able to find any around here. I'm glad you got the washer out with no problems.

  9. Our dumps are closed right now. Stay safe.

  10. Genius...moving the washer.

    Your header is now showing advertsements?!

  11. I heard elastic is in short supply.

  12. Cool beans on the seeds. Beets will be a first for me this year. Happy Earth Day!


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Today Is Thursday, May 2, 2024; This Is What Happened.

  I could swear my head was detached; that was yesterday. I forgot all my art supplies. Wednesday, well, first and third Wednesday. I go to...