Sunday, March 15, 2020

Today Is Sunday March 15 2020, This Is What Happen.

Here a photo of my shadow. Nice clear day in North Idaho, should mention the cold and wind out of the north.

Murphy and I headed into town to do some shopping. We spend just under $60. There out of certain items or low on different items. It been ages since we bought a big hunk candy bar, eighty three cents
Complete out of toilet paper and other paper products.
Like to point out. Most American toilet paper comes out of China and India. Well with Trump and his trade wars it starting to take bite out of our economy.
Plus some not having common sense and being uncivilized during the CORON VIRUS isn't helping.

Sense the topic is on health. Well yesterday post I mention about my son being ILL I text my daughter in law and to see how they both was doing. Some time being the care giver needs looking after. But it sound like his headache is manageable. What he actual have is VIRAL MENINGGITES and three positive thing for him recovery is someone is looking after him, thank you daughter in law. He young and healthy.

I sign up with Ancestry. And I still trying to figure out mystery of my Shirley line. Yes the word mystery pretty much sums it up.
I will keep you all posted here on my blog on my family history.

Today I won't give my self a five star rating. But a 4.87 rating of getting things cleared off. I worked on dinning room table, coffee table, and also my car.
There some items still need to be taken care of.
One could possible say when it comes to banking and bill paying I am sort of “Old School” Although not totally.

I did mange to get anther strips sewn together for an up coming quilt. Here is what possible block might look like. Haven't done the math to see how many 2 (0.05) inch blocks I will need to a quilt that measures about 54 by 36 (1.37 by 0.91)

Coffee is on


  1. Viral meningitis, that’s serious. Continued good thoughts for a quick recovery.

  2. Yes, all the best to your son.

  3. I hope your son is better soon.

  4. The quilt blocks are looking nice.
    Our shops are empty of paper supplies too, toilet paper, paper towels, paper napkins, facial tissues, as well as being sold out of things like pasta, rice, flour and personal items, like soaps and hand sanitiser is sold out too. Baby goods are also sold out and pet foods.

  5. I still don't get the Toilet Paper story ! wherever I go in the world they have run out or there is a rush on toilet paper, it sounds like a joke. I first thought it was only in Belgium, but no it's in the whole world !

  6. Hari OM
    Yes, I add my good wishes for your son. VM is nothing minor.

    Those blocks are so pretty! YAM xx

  7. Loving the colors of your quilting blocks! I think it's a global concern...not just trump.

  8. The stores are out of lots of things here too. We hope your Son feels better super soon.

  9. I look forward to hearing what you find on ancestry. Hope your son continues to feel better.

  10. Health issues, particularly the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic, is on the minds of many these days. And if not, it should be. Be safe and prepared, folks!

  11. I was at ALDI. No toilet paper. Ridiculous!
    Empty shelves on other things, too. Crazy.

  12. Sending well thoughts to your son.

  13. Hope your son is better soon. Your quilt is going to look amazing.
    I have written a blog post. Just for you. Take a look

  14. Big Hunks are my favorite, but they make a big mess while eating in a car and are relatively hard to find.
    The toilet paper thing is just totally mystifying.
    I hope your son gets better soon.

  15. Really hope he gets better soon.


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Today Is Tuesday, May 14, 2024: This Is What Happened.

  I just noticed that today would have been my Grandfather Clarence's Birthday. If he were alive, he would be old. Okay! He would have ...