Sunday, November 17, 2019

Today Is Thursday November 17, This What Happen

One of my cousin went Hamburg Germany for Podcast CONVENTION and I have wonder at times about meeting the people who I meant though social media.
So I search google using these terms. "Social Media Convention" "Social Media Conference" and "Social Media Gathering"
Confession time...I have always want to go to some type BLOGGER DO HICKEY  
But I always consider my blog a "Hodge Podge" But by this I would be LIFE STYLE BLOGGER or possible place were small community BLOGGER
Seattle would be closes town with any population, 724,745 and Spokane is about a two hour drive or 103 miles. And Spokane population 217,108
Question time...What is your town population like? I like between two towns the one south of me is Naples Idaho, population I would guess it would be some where between 250 and 500. And it a UNINCORPORATED
Bonners Ferry is to the North and it population is 2,595
The county population is 11.922. We have very little diversity here. White population is over 90% and lease population is black or African American less then 1%

This afternoon Murphy and I went behind the forest service. A great place to explore. I found quite few what I would call great rocks to paint on. Confession time...I can't even get items I have in my home organized.
Watch the train go by, the crew waved. First engine was of the Canadian Pacific and the other two were the Union Pacific. My dad retired off the Union Pacific. The train run from Spokane up past Bonners Ferry was known as 8 and 9 run.
I just don't get some people. Why some people litter. This could be great place to find some trash to do TRASH ART I sure wouldn't go bare footed.

I been told and not sure if true of not. At one time this was an old powder shed. A place they kept dynamite. 
There is some private property out here. But I would guess most of it would be part of the KOOTENAI REFUGE well just on the other side of Deep Creek.
Anther week done. Almost an A plus when came to checking of "me" Saturday my book was in car and I was to lazy to go out and get it.
It amazing what one can get done in 15 minutes.
Start to date and organize my bullet journal for 2020. Figured out the lay out only. This new one should last until June.
So glad I have white out.

Last some how I stumbled back on to Social Blade. It rate your twitter and you tube channel. Well I moved up grade wise. I was d and now I'm c minus. 
Planning to have a video done for the up coming two Saturday, 23 and 30

Coffee is on


  1. I don't know how big our village is.
    I've heard good things about bullet journals.
    Are you enjoying it?
    Happy Winter. Hot chocolate is on ...

  2. I went to a Blogger Convention here in Australia, in Sydney, a long time ago. I don't know what I was expecting, but found it was mostly about how to promote your blog into a business and make money, some people already had a business and used their blogs to promote it, and there was fun parts too, but mostly I was just overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of people there and how many already knew each other from previous meetings. I met some blog friends who I have now lost touch with as they no longer blog. I discovered that conventions aren't for me and was very glad to get home again.

  3. Wiki says we had this population in Braunschweig (some 300 km from Hamburg): 248.292 (31. Dez. 2018).
    Nice when people wave :-)

  4. Anonymous2:40 AM

    Really nice photo of the train.

  5. Hari OM
    Interesting demographics... here, by the Hutch, the immediate popn. is a little under 5000. But in surveys, usually the whole of the Cowal Peninsula is given and that is closer to 15000. That's covering quite a big area though.

    Conventions, as such, are generally about money and 'networking'. Not my thing. However, I did get to visit the States and Canada in 2016 due to gathering of 'Blogvillagers' - a group of us brought together by dogs, cats, birds, rabbits, guinea pigs. Some of the dogs even came along. You can see and read about it HERE! YAM xx

  6. I'm a suburban girl, a Long Islander. O looked up my community on Wikipedia, the hamlet I live in has an area of 16 square miles. As of the 2010 census the population was about 26,0000.

  7. Someone left the bathroom tap running in the store washroom, can you imagine? Your talk of leaving trash reminded me of this somehow.

  8. I'm sure we could create our own blogger conference if we wanted to.

  9. That's a great photograph of the train …

    All the best Jan


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Today is Tuesday, March 7, 2024: This Is What Happened.

Yesterday, May 6, 2024. I posted about a guy who lived constitutionally. And I posted about him carrying a gun into a store. You can read my...