Saturday, October 19, 2019

Today Is Saturday October 19, This Is What Happen

Now I recall what the other thing I was going to post about the couple blog post back. I wonder if possible someone from Smithsonian or National Archives go though different blogs. And puts them some where.

As yesterday I got the call from the doctor office and telling me that insurance company refuse my claim for a boob reduction.
Today in Mail I got a letter from my insurance company and how to appeal claim with my health insurance company.

This afternoon I took Regis and Liz out to Regis dad place. There were having Regis dad memorial service.
The minster did a great job. Last few memorial service just irritated the hell out of me. It wasn't a sale pitch on heaven and who will be there and not be there.
I don't believe our spirits our divided into place called hell or heaven. I believe this place here what I call earth is like place of learning. Schooling like.
In simple term if you keep doing the same wrong over and over. You might could come back in some life time and will have to live as that person you wronged. It could be up to 7many folds.
Then we die and we basically face our maker and to me it our (sub)-conscience. Me personally I don't believe we stand by pearly gates. And St Peter doesn't hold the keys to the gates. If that was true I would say people who born in 1700's is still standing in line. So that mean our first President isn't though the gates yet.
I have my lesson to learn and to make up to who I might of wrong from anther life time. So this life time I make a strong effect to treat people right.I try to have a compass of goodness I live by. Confession time...At time I've done some creative things that is still got the job done. But I stayed with in my personal compass.
As I believe I am OLD SOUL. Do I know when this life will end I have no ideal. Will I have anther I would say yes. But when will all happen. I am clueless. I try to live each and every day.
As thing work though our life hopeful we learn and grow from it. I mention before about my relationship about my father. Best way of putting it we were estrange from each other. But at one time my mother gave her husband praise. They did have a good marriage although they did not see eye to eye on everything. A few good argument on the way.
Confession time...I recall looking at my mother and saying some unkind and not respectble statement about my mom husband.
My husband has a lot of traits of my father. When I was younger I refuse to see them. Two thing I wonder now

  1. Did I marry someone like my dad so I could see the other side of my dad
  2. Did I end up being like my mother.

Well I start once again on my sketchbook project. I am doing crochet cover from one pages. Hopeful this up coming week I can get it done. 
The fall colors were pretty up Karl's place. So I got some photos. 
Even if I had a few cookies. I stayed with my calorie count. A little high in the fats. Plus I got the new battery in my fitbit. 

Coffee is on


  1. Hari OM
    Hah! I think we all end up like our mothers (if we are women) or dads (if we are sons). There's a moment in these later years when we hear only their voices, their words, coming from our mouths!!! YAM xx

  2. I'd like to know the story behind that abandoned little shack. Was it a resting place on the way to somewhere? Was it someone's home? It looks so small and alone. I've tried very hard to NOT be like my mother who always had to know everything about everyone's business.

  3. Have a great weekend!!

  4. I think some do marry men like their father

  5. That's too bad about the insurance not covering your procedure, Dora. If you have health issues because of it, surely, there's something they could do? I think we are constantly growing and learning from our mistakes. You have some lovely fall colours in your area. Interesting post!

  6. I would definitely appeal. Your insurance
    Get your doctor to help you by writing a letter saying that they will have to spend more money If you don’t have the operation
    I too believe we have many lives
    And that life is a school to learn lessons
    I’d love to see some of your crochet work could you post some pics please

  7. Anonymous3:32 AM

    I hope your boob reduction appeal is successful. It is something that affects your health and well being.

  8. The whole bible is men written and everybody added something else, and then it had been translated, maybe not always exactly. The Jesus disciples wrote the bible and as only priests could read they could write whatever they wanted. That's why catholic priests are not allowed to marry (based on St. Peter) and the protestants pastors can (based on St Matthew ) Who is right ??

  9. I detest insurance companies! When I had my Staph Infection I needed special antibiotics. Everything was okay'd and then a year later I got a $6000.00 bill from the medical company because the antibiotics were rejected! I appealed three times, I had witnesses and documentation. In the end, I lost and now I pay $25.00 a month until it is paid off!
    Good luck!

  10. Mention health insurance and I will get on my political soapbox....

    Your posts lately have been very introspective.

  11. I have been to way too many funerals. Not lately, but I figure I can be done for a while.

    We are our parents. So, we can look at their lives and see what they got wrong and correct it. Or we can follow their examples for the things they did right.


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Today Is Thursday, May 16, 2025: This Is What Happened.

I mowed some of the yard. It was quite breezy today. Then there were those indoor chores. I found a game called Farm Merge Valley, sort of l...