Saturday, September 14, 2019

Was It Just Anther Saturday.

Last night which was Friday. I help Murphy load the trash cans and sometime today he dump them. And put new blade on our lawn mower.

I went down to Courd' Alene to a T.O.P.S fall rally. There usual pretty inspirational. But this one was sort of slow and dull.
I guess weight lost isn't anything all that exciting. Confession time...But when scales come down it a little more exciting.
But they had a excellent singer. Sang song from the 40's, 50's 60's and 70's
What I notice most T.O.P.S members are 55 plus. And there a few who are well into there 90's
Last little bit I want to shout out about T.O.P.S...There were few members who been K.O.P.S for 50 years. Which means they stayed with in there goal lead way. This how K.O.P.S work once you and medical profession usual your primary caregiver will set a goal weight.
If you health weight 140 pounds (example) you can go up 3 pounds and down 7 pounds.

Not sure what I will be doing tomorrow well three things I want to accomplish. Walk down one side of our down town main street and do a you tube video.
Work on my binding on my quilt and continue organizing my blue fabric.
Well they could be more.

Coffee is on


  1. My weight loss isn't going so well, put ON 7 pounds because of not walking. It's pollen season here from mid August, so I stay inside as much as possible.

  2. My weight loss hasn't been going well at all. My own fault and I know what I have to do.

  3. Have a good Sunday.

  4. Interesting observation about TOPS. Programs like TOPS and Weight Watchers aren’t attracting younger members, who seem more interested in using apps and on line programs to manage their weight,

  5. Busy weekend chores for you and hubby.
    I guess TOPS is good or Weight Watchers...I just walk to keep my weight down and it is cheaper than either of the above.
    I do hope that you have time to make another youtube video...I enjoy watching them~

    Happy Sunday Dora~

  6. Sounds like you had a more fun Saturday than Friday at least!

  7. Sounds like you had a lot planned. Did it all get done?

  8. It sounds as if you had quite a busy weekend of things to do!

    All the best Jan


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Today Is Saturday, May 4, 2024: This Is What Happened.

  When I change cameras, I usually have trouble pulling the photo off the camera onto the laptop. Not this time.   Murphy and I clean some...