Thursday, September 12, 2019

In Between When and What

It one of those days about project around the place. When as in time and will it get finished or how much of it.
Then What projects.
I guess this post might be about a general report. I doubt it will be any thing official or even classified.

We are quite happy how the side steps came out. Had a little trouble deciding how to finish off the east side of the steps.
We didn't want anything looking funky or wasn't excepting something that would bring on attack of OCD.
Confession time...At first when hubby told me of this current ideal of using slates. I just couldn't picture it.
I had no better way of doing it.
Statement time...It bothers me when some, mostly candidates bad mouth someone ideal and can't come with a solution.
Plus I had bigger fish to fry. We still need to put a railing on the front porch and hubby want to put it center.
I want it on the left or right side and if he does put it in middle, there will be a fight on scale of 4.8.
Over the years I learn to pick my battles and how much energy and damage I need to cause.

As many of my beauties. Know I went back to doing FITDAY and part of fitday they have “mood” rating. There 7 moods they ask about, or one could call them feelings or emotions.
One of them they ask about hunger. Here are selection one may choose from very hunger, hunger, neutral, satisfied, and very satisfied.
I have none under very hunger and most of time I would say when it comes to hunger I'm satisfied. But this can change in no time at all.
This my average mood above.

Start on putting my blue fabric on boards. Not sure how it will go. I got plenty of blues. Blue is color that speaks to me.
Question time...How or what do you relate blue to? For my self I relate blue to freedom. But also blue can fall under...Blue: Healing, happiness, guidance, truth & religious inspiration.
I know someone who related blue to “coldness”
As I been putting my shorter pieces on the boards, which are the primary colors. And I came up with ideal for quilt. But I want to finish up the binding on the current one. And finish up the trim on apron.

I believe my next quilt will be my oldest grand daughter. The fabric I got a couple of years ago.

During the democrats debate I will work on my binding. And tomorrow I will tell you my three favs from the debate.
And share the photo of sunrise, dear hubby taken. 

Tried some new setting and programs on my camera. I tried to pick the morning dew. Plus been watching the leaves on the tree turn colors.

Coffee is on


  1. Anonymous3:48 PM

    A job well done.

  2. You and hubby are very busy and ding a wonderful job, too!
    Blue makes me think of you the sky reflected in the ocean.
    Your idea for a quilt sounds lovely.
    Have a great evening 🍂🎃🍁🐈

  3. The stairs look great.
    Blue. Cold fingers turn blue... or white.

  4. Blue can also relate to sadness, some people might say, I'm feeling a little blue, meaning sad.

  5. Blue is my favorite color and like Jan, I tend to equate it with the sky and the beautiful ocean.

  6. The steps look great. When I think of blue, I think of the throat chakra.

  7. Blue and green are cold colors for painters at least, I like blue but green only in real nature not as a color.

  8. I associate blue with the sky. Love seeing bright blue skies. I also tend to think of blue as a "cool" color -- and because it's so hot for much of the year in Hong Kong, I had the walls of my living room and bedroom blue to help "cool" things down psychologically, if not in reality! :)

  9. Congrats for getting all the work done and making progress!

    Can’t wait to see the next quilt!!!

  10. I think the steps look good :)

    All the best Jan


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Today Is Saturday, May 4, 2024: This Is What Happened.

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