Monday, September 09, 2019

Let Me Run It By You

I been declutter by 80 items. Over the weekend I did drop off a pair of slippers that was to small. So my actual count I've gotten rid of 47 items. So the plumber is coming today and yes they can be expensive and so can leaky hot water valve.

So Murphy and I finish cleaning out closet. I have gone though it just recently. But found a few items that went to trash can. I won't count that as my 80 items.
  1. A desk stool and that what I will call it
  2. coloring book and most page are not colored
  3. sack of those spiral bulbs so let me count them as four items
  4. sack of dogie balls and let just give them a count of two
  5. postal scales.
  6. Letter writing box
Nine items are heading out of here. Like I said I was down to 47 items and now we are down to 37 items to go.

Made decision to go back to fitday. For few reason is I know the neighborhood, like the lay out when it come to nutrition, and there is part for mood.
Although I don't consider my self as a moody person and I do have my moods. I know I eat though different emotion like boredom, and FAST COMPANY say there five type of boredom.
Let see I would other emotional I eat under is anxiety, depression and this one I usual like a little chocolate.

Sunday getting my fitbit up going I did 3,449 steps..1.40 miles. I won't say not bad. I did get it going.

One part of fit day and I notice fitness pal has place for your measurement. I know to get your correct measurements it better letting someone else do it.
But this bothers me. To have someone measure me. My husband already know what I look like after 30 plus year of marriage.

Coffee is on


  1. Stay on track with the fitness, a good thing. 80 items wow!

  2. You've got this, Dora, even a little walking is better than none at all.

  3. I haven't measured myself either, but it occurred to me the other day perhaps I should. I know I've lost my waste, clothes fit differently. My walking the past couple of weeks has been way down due to Vertigo. Just was going to walk to get my hair cut today and had a problem and had to come back home. Groan. I should get back to de-cluttering as well. Did well with it for awhile before the holidays, then stuff took over with Dad in the hospital, rehab, assisted living center, selling his least those are my excuses, lol. Hang in there Dora, Rome wasn't built in a day.
    Sandy's Space

  4. You are doing a wonderful job of giving things you no longer need and also that is an impressive amount of steps that you did...good for you 💮

  5. Oh gosh, I have to take your lead and do the same thing. I've so much stuff I don't need. Now I am sorting through all the summer clothes I did not wear this year or last.

  6. I did my measurements by is embarrassing. But I shouldn’t be...he knows what I look like.

  7. That's a good lot of stuff gone. I have a few clothes I can take to thrift shop and some so worn out I can too them in the rubbish bin, but that's about it. There's nothing else I'm ready to let go of yet, but most surfaces here are much less cluttered now.

  8. that should be 'toss' them in the rubbish bin

  9. Chocolate is way better than booze. At least, that's my opinion.

  10. Getting measured, that´s brave. I even have no idea what I weigh, I don´t want to know ;-)

  11. Every step is one in the right direction!

  12. Wow! That sounds a good sort out with a lot of stuff gone.

    All the best Jan


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