Thursday, August 29, 2019

Not Even Close To Half Time.

Yesterday I was briefly talking about a site that grade blogs and also gave your blog a movie rating.
I don't recall these sites.
I ran called NIBBLER and they gave me a 6.3 over all score.
Well I also tried two more site My next one I tried is URL APPRAISAL and my blog is worth $56.80 and guess what they had some suggestion how to make money off your blog.
Then last site I did was. But they want money. I blog mainly for my self not saying I not saying my blog friends aren't important.
But the site I was trying to find was a lot more fun.
I decided to use in google search "blog analyzer" saw this site called HEADLINES and they gave me a score of 69

It been a little while since I talk about my weight lost adventure. And I been slipping on my three area...keeping track of what I eat....movement....and...water in take.
Well I start to creep back up.
So I got back on fit day. My breakfast I had just under 725 calories.
One thing I need to do is put battery in my fitbit, which is a pain.

Down to 71 items, and these thing have left the place.
   1. 4 cafeteria style plates
   2. 3 blue cups
   3. Lap blanket
   4. Chinese lady, but I am going to offer Liz this one first.
So let do the math and now I have 62 items to go.
Keep looking at the board games and I'm having trouble letting go. But I am positive I can let go of other items.
I know I will take something on my way to work tomorrow. Over the weekend I should easily find over dozen items to take to the thrift store. One place I could look is under my dresser. There few shoes that could be taken to the thrift store.
Recently I was ask what a SALAD SHOOTER  was.

Coffee is on


  1. I think I'm going to try the blog analyzers.

  2. They sound worth a try these analyzers

  3. I don't know...maybe I'll give it a go.

  4. Did the site have good suggestions for making money off your blog? I've read many articles on it, but usually the ideas aren't too great.

  5. I am a tee shirt hoarder. I have hundreds of them and I rotate wearing the. I only rarely get rid of one.

  6. You call that a salad shooter! Bummer! We call it Küchenmaschine or even Fleischwolf! :-)

  7. Hari OM
    Virtually all blogs are worth $56.80 Dora... the blogspot domain is not a high ranker anywhere. The sites you have used here are really for business, stand-alone websites, so the results are somewhat limited. On Nibbler, some of that info is quite interesting - but a lot of the red ink stuff is to do with how Blogger is set up and there is nothing we as individuals can do anything about. The headlines one is not for the assessment you are looking for at all... it is purely for writers of articles (which COULD include your blogpost titles) to see whether that one line invitation to come read is a hit or not. I think you for bringing it to my attention, as it will assist me in the construction of my articles over at Medium! YAM xx

  8. I was wondering what a salad shooter was too. Now I know. Seems like a handy thing to have.

  9. Hahahaha. I used to have a Salad Shooter! I have no idea what happened to it probably tossed it when I realized I wouldn't use it as much as I thought I would. :)


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Today Is Thursday, May 2, 2024; This Is What Happened.

  I could swear my head was detached; that was yesterday. I forgot all my art supplies. Wednesday, well, first and third Wednesday. I go to...