Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Wednesday Meme Number Twenty Six

It taken me a little time to chase down "Words For Wednesday" and for me we have a new host, LISSA and she done something a little different then what I'm not use to. She posted a you tube video.
But also these words or statements...It's going to rain today. chasing storms. umbrellas, charmed, a long journey, and trains

Carol woke up to rain dancing on metal roof although as hard it hitting the roof and it now unnerving.
She had quite the distant to drive to catch the two oh five train and she had a three different trains to catch before she reached she final destination to see her sister Jeannie.
But she was hoping that the storm would be long gone before the drive to train station about 20 miles in to next community.
But if this didn't work she would conjure up a spell to have rain leave or calm it self down.
She give it an a little time and see what happen.

She had her suit case packed but still there were hygiene items to add. So she decided to relax and read a bit in her book.
She had anther one packed in her bag.

Well the storm has let up and usually this time year the town of Meton doesn't get much in precipitation at all. Maybe a ten minute cloud burst.

So she had to pull out her book of shadow and see how to work with God Oya.

She held her right hand a desert jasper stone and begin to speak.

Oya the good of weather could you please open the sky and let the sun shine unto the earth.
I need a safe trip to see my sister Jeannie.
I don't need it completely stop I would like it to lighten up a bit.
Thank you and bless it be.

In about a hour or so the rain had became a drizzle. And now she had to decided which charms she need to place of her suit case before she headed to the station.
But still she had a little time and thought of quickly going to the local cafe for a bite to eat.
As she entered the cafe there sat Jerry who had charmed her past. They had a lite lunch and chat for a little bit, and soon she was driving to village of Pauson.

But a little over half way she remember she left her umbrella hanging on door knob. But she gone this far and wasn't about to turn about and head back.
And not quite an hour she was at train station a waiting for train to arrive she she could go her Journey to see her sister Jeannie

Editor note...This is fictional story


I also had cashew today.

Coffee is on


  1. Another spell caster. Glad that she could travel safely to see her sister.

  2. Very nice story Dora, nice that her spell worked and the rain eased off. I hope her sister knows she is coming.

  3. Nise and cozy story. Driving in the rain is never comfortable. I hope she'll have a nice visit with her sister.

  4. Nice little vingnette of a story.

  5. a spell to lighten the rain? I wouldn't mind it.

    thank you for joining in & have a lovely day.

  6. Very nice story, I liked her magical powers :)


  7. She needs to come my way and calm this storm we've been having down. L.A. doesn't do rain well.

  8. That is always the question when traveling, which charms to pack!
    Nice that you included that.

  9. Your story was wonderful, as usual.
    I like cashews too :)

    - Lisa

  10. nicely written! I love almonds... and cashews too!


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