Thursday, January 17, 2019

It's Something But

Went though anther box in closet and notice it was mostly Bart items from his sports days. Sawyer wasn't much of a sports person.
He did play Kiwanis basketball, which then were for 5th and 6th grades.

I found some twist wooded handle silverware I would of taken them to thrift store. But Murphy took then into pantry in basement.
It will be a while until I get a chance to go though that. I even doubt I will even get to it this year.

Yesterday I got four patterns copied to size I want. Well some I shrunk down so I could make some hot pot holders.
Then some I kept at regular sizes and I get back doing quilting blocks to send out.
The ones I shrunk and I had every intention of doing hot pot holder for gifts in 2018 Christmas and now there for 2019.
Not sure if you can see size difference
Hopeful after work I can get chance to pick out fabric I want to use. Not sure how I will line it all up.

Not going over to Liz just to Regis. Still trying to see about getting my hours back. She hasn't heard back from the state.
She probably will have to call them again. Going to suggested she try Monday.
I need know so I can know what to do with my health insurance subsidy. It's such a hassle to deal with bureaucracy and I'm trying to give it a fair amount a time before I report a change.
I don't want to report a change and then turn around and report again.

So far today I took 2,516 steps. I tend to forget to record my steps off my fit bit.
I'm thinking of doing anther you tube video sometime after Friday and before Tuesday.
Like I said I'm thinking.

Coffee is on


  1. I’m hoping Liz gets her benefits back

  2. Thank you for your visit and comment. Aha! I see you have a Fitbit too. It’s a struggle for me
    to get my steps in.

  3. Ah, government bureacracy. Those things take forever.

  4. Mr Murphy I know about him!

  5. The blocks remind me of a Tangram game my mother made out of a piece of linoleum when I was I kid. You could make all kinds of images just moving the pieces around. I'd love to see how your quilt comes out.

  6. I do hope Liz finds out soon so you can get yourself sorted. The blocks remind me of a tangram game we had for the kids, ours was a wooden puzzle fitted into a square frame. We eventually gave it to the grandchildren.

  7. ANYTHING dealing with government & all the red tape os a hassle!

  8. I once tried out for the Junior High basketball team.
    That was 45 years ago. I am 5'6" now. No way I was any taller at 14.
    Plus, I was a hideous basketball player.
    When I think back nowadays that I actually thought I could get on the team, I laugh and I laugh.
    And then finish the bottle.


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Today Is Friday, March 7, 2025: This Is What Happened.

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