Monday, January 14, 2019

Envolope Please

All though out when and what every there been AWARD given for all sort of items, and I doubt that Wiki even COVERED ALL OF AWARDS out in world.
I can safely assume that there more then the SHORTY AWARDS for social media. I might as well toss in one more place that gives out SOCIAL MEDIA AWARDS
Question time...what is your social media (doesn't mater what social media) goals...short or long term?

Like many great things in life goes unrecognized in everyone life.
Give the devil it's due.

But I was wondering about social media category from Shorty Awards First one I looked at was past WINNERS and out of blue, I picked MULTI PLATFORM and I wonder why these receive there awards and such. Then I found list of WINNERS IN SOCIAL MEDIA and even looked though a few.
Social Media Awards and RESULTS ARE IN and I have to wonder two thing how does one even get there blog or any part of there social media even to be in the RUNNING

I became more curious what some of these social media accounts might have and other don't.

Editor note...below is some random links to different social media account and question about them.

Question time...why would one of these tweets below be better then the other ( both taken at random)
....Border is eventually going to be militarized and defended or the United States, as we have known it, is going to cease to exist...And Americans will not go gentle into that good night. Patrick Buchanan. The great people of our Country demand proper Border Security NOW!

I have the windows and door open to let in the fresh air, doing laundry and reading a book. I have officially peaked

Question time why is one of these photo (instagram) could receive award and the other might not.
Question why aren't they award for people who post about random stuff that goes on in there life.
But on blogs I notice in awards they have singular categories.

Question time...facebook who and what is seen.
I guess this been seen whole bunch of times.
This one was the first thing on my facebook page. Question time...Why was it there not something else

Question time...which you tube video should get award.

Now there other social media such as Reddit and I don't take a part in. But I would guess they have there awards and picked two at random.
Why is one better then the other.
What’s the most “I’m turning into my parents” moment for you?
first three answers.
My mom used to find things for us in a minute after we had been looking for hours. My siblings and dad sometimes lose things and ask me to help because “I always find it magically” .... I’m actually very excited about the mom touch to finding things

I say the names of things I see while in the car. Like: “Oh, a Burger King” and “hmmm a new Wawa. Interesting”. My mom does this and it used to drive me nuts when I was younger.
My husband actually types into the search bar, even though our default search engine is google. It’s a classic dad move.

Answering stupid questions with stupid answers.

California bans gender in setting car insurance rates

The article mentioned that the goal was to have people's rates based on behaviors and choices, rather than in fundamental characteristics, where the person cannot change them.
Does this mean that age will stop driving costs as well? That seems more consistent with the goal than credit history, which is also disallowed as a factor, since it is based on past financial behavior.

CA uses years licensed not age. So less years licensed -> less driving experience -> higher risk, would be the logic. That way a 30 year old who just got their license wouldn’t get a discount with other 30 year olds who’ve had 15 years of practice/experience

So when I’ve had 65 years licensed my rates will surely be very low?

Drum roll please. The winner is all of us.

Coffee is on


  1. hari OM
    Dora, if you are talking about the badges on sidebars, the "awards" are (or at least the majority) are simply images created by another blogger (it could be you or me) who wants to spread the love around the ether and get everyone to visit THEIR blog from which the award originated. It's a numbers game. Even those ones now with the "gold medal"? That's just a sign-up-on-a-list-yourself and you get the badge if people decide to visit your blog x number of times. It is not about the merit of the blog, necessarily, but about driving traffic. That is why you will see some blogs make a declaration of 'no awards please' - they don't want to feel obligated. In fact, many of those 'awards' are now defunct, the originators themselves no longer blogging having gone over to the dark side of other social media.

    That all said, here in the UK at least, there is an 'Oscars' type award where a voting is done each year...but you submit yourself and you have to meet criteria such as 'influencer' and categories such as 'theatre' or 'automotive'.

    As personal bloggers, 'awards' have no real value to us. For those who are seeking to make money, placing themselves up for popularity vote might be beneficial, but it brings nothing other than an ego boost really. It's all subjective.

    Enjoy your blogging. Fret not about numbers. YAM xx

    1. You are 110% correct, Yamini. I just posted about the whole numbers game in blogging. I still blog old school and always will. I'm not about the numbers. It's always been and always will be about the bonding. :)

    2. Me too. I blog because I enjoy reading and commenting, not to get "gold stars". Although I do blog so much less than I used to.

  2. I couldn't tell you anything about awards or social media Dora, I'm such a technophobe, the only thing I do is Facebook, which I hate, and the blog. Have to admit that I have noticed a few of my mum's characteristics popping up now and then 😉

    1. Facebook is something I became to love to hate

  3. I go with Grace with social media.
    I have a lot of my Dad´s features, most aren´t that pleasant like having not much patience...

  4. I do not participate in awards of any kind on blog or other places. I don't do social media, except for Facebook and I mostly only keep track of friends and family because they all went to Social media and no longer can be contacted through email. they never look at it. In my opinion, social media is the worst thing ever happened to us. people use it for arguing about any and all things. everyone is so hostile if the person doesn't agree with them. I browse to see what my family is up to and that is it.

    1. I know e mails aren't like they use to be. I was just wondering about the blog awards or social media ones

  5. I'm still waiting for my "Blog of Note" award.
    I've been waiting a long time.

  6. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Who knows how these awards are judged. Interesting about California car insurance. I've known people who have had a driver's licence but never really driven, and they would be classed as experienced.

    1. Even credit scores here in United States, makes different in rates.

  7. Yes, everyone should be a winner!

  8. Peppy:

    In terms of awards, I am unsure how I feel. I think they tend to be so varied that they are hard to judge.

    But, on my blog, you mentioned wanting to "hide" because you have received complemts about your weight loss. I understand COMPLETELY!!!! About 10 years ago, I lost about 120 pounds (I used to weigh almost 300 pounds). I still occasionally have people who knew me when I was heavier comment on the loss and I feel the same way you do. I think it is because I feel like the same person regardless of if I am heavy or normal weight.


  9. interesting California is not gender basing insurance rates.

  10. Some people get all balled up on social media. They think they are going to make a fortune. I look for interactivity with the people i follow on Instagram and facebook. If they don’t interact then I drop them after a while. I am ruthless about it. The social media darlings follow you but that is the last you hear from them.
    I use twitter for my politics stuff but even that is not even any fun now. I am beginning to think that maybe our prez really did commit treason.

  11. The good bloggers are always good awards or not!

  12. I have FB, but only to check on family and friends. Can't be bothered with most of the nonsense on there. If you ask me, we are all winners.

  13. Awards are just things to get people to pay attention to. As I get older, I care less and less about such things.

  14. I just got an award from a fellow blogger and I love it. It's just for being funny. Good enough for me. I don't need accolades from a million people. I'm here for the kindred spirits not promos and numbers. You know my blog, Dora. I cuss like a sailor and vent and rant and poke fun. No Willy Wonka sugar coating at my place. None here at yours either and I love that. - Happy Monday!

  15. Those are some pretty hearty questions. What makes one better than another? I don't think anyone really gets to judge other than the user from a personal experience themselves.

  16. I didn't know there was all those types of awards for so many things. it isn't something I look for or pay attention to, but I was happy to win a "Walter" award from a fellow blogger recently.

  17. Never heard of these awards sure that they don't exist in Europe.

  18. I have never paid attention to the awards that people arbitrarily place on blogs. I just wrote what’s in my mind....for my pleasure and if other people like it...that’s good, but not my goal!!

  19. The car insurance thing always bugged me. I do truly believe in gender equality, but that does apply to both sides of the court. I always thought the insurance rates and certain things like nightclubs letting women in free and other promos like that violated equality.

    The lipstick thing reminds me that I was never the hugest fan of seeing women in lipstick. It's only looked right in a vibrant color a few select times. I'd rather kiss a woman with natural lips.


I always felt free to let people comment as they see fit. If you have any desire to leave a comment that is spam or to exploit others.
If you have the need to express your self here and can only use swear words please keep in down to bare minimal.
please leave my blog and no need to come back.
If some reason you can not follow these simple request I will remove your post.
All others are welcome

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