Sunday, January 06, 2019

Though The Back Door

My mom had a saying people who came to the front door. Salesman, bums uses the front door and although there were anther type of person, who used the front door.
Well I post several time on how I want add a little bit of ads on this page. Something on the bottom of post.
Well I been trying how to hook AdSense to my blog and watched a video and they talked about the "back side of your blog" total clueless what is meant by that term.
Sure sometime I can figure it out. But one doesn't make that much with ad sense.
I heard the majority makes around twenty dollars a month. Break that done to weeks, days, hours, and such one sure couldn't quite there day job.
And google cuts a check once you hit $100 and at $20 a month it would take five months to get check.

Weigh in at home this morning, pleased with scales. Under 205 (92) but if I weigh every single day. It throws me off.
When my weight number are down I want to eat and celebrate.
When my weigh number are up I want to eat and punish my self.
At current time I only weigh my self twice a week. Sunday and Tuesday on my home scale. But on Tuesday I weigh in at T.O.P.S although I'm thinking add one more day like Thursday or Friday.

Don't ask me or maybe someone can tell me why. I want to sleep on these stacked mattress. Confession time...I've haven't yet read Princess pea. 
Feel like a good place do a vlog from.
But I don't see my self doing one til after the middle of month.
If you notice there some items on the bed.

I got the linen closet clean out. The sheets on extra bed is going to the thrift store.
Well Murphy and I are now sleeping on king size bed. And guest room has a queen size bed in it. But as you can see way to many  mattress.
Then the other bedroom has a twin.
So we need some king and twin sheets. Just keep my eyes open at thrift stores.
Plus I found some bath sheets. I will see if one of my clients can use them. If not I will take them to a thrift store.

Got paper work done to change my name on different legal stuff. All my Indemnification or important ones my name is hyphenated, with my maiden name and my current married name. It has 23 letters and if add my middle name it comes to 26 letters.
Like on boarding passes it only shows part of my name.
Had a little trouble going though the TSA.

Eating went ok. Breakfast reheated up biscuits and sausage gravy, this time one fried egg. Lunch was later side peanut butter and honey sandwich. For dinner a bowl of Hoppin John soup, but this time we did up some corn meal muffin. No butter on mine.
A piece of brandy chocolate truffles and half dozen marshmallows.

Coffee is on


  1. Sorry...that stack of mattresses is too high for me. I don't like heights and know I'd never get on or off it right in the night.

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog, Dora. I will get back to see your art, too.

    I AM a princess when it comes to sleeping. I can definitely feel that pea! I couldn't climb on those mattresses, though, since I'm only 4'11" tall.

    You have been busy cleaning and organizing. That is an ongoing event, I believe.

    I don't believe in those google ads, so if you use them, I wish you luck. I was surprised people even get that much a month. I've never visited a site that displayed ads, so that was news to me.

  3. Out here, bath sheets are giant towels. Is that what yours are? I love mine. I have a thick one for winter and two very old threadbare ones for summer. I like being able to wrap myself in a towel after my shower.

  4. Yikes that's quite a stack of mattresses Dora, some of them have to go 😀 Losing weight is so tricky, it goes up it goes down, we have to just keep on it!

  5. I need to lose weight, too. When i am happy is when i eat the most, followed by when i am stressed and worried and it is how I reward myself. I need to develope different habits.

  6. I really have to get back on track this year with weight. Did so well and now seem to be throwing it all away. Maybe you should try not weighing yourself daily. I totally understand how it can throw you off. Try once a week. I once read that it's not the amount of calories you eat in one day, it's the total number in a week.

    PS. I cannot figure out how to follow your blog. How do I do it?

  7. If you ever do figure out the ad situation on ad sense, please write about what you find. I have looked at it a bit myself and am daunted by it.


  8. That's quite the stack of mattresses.

  9. When we weigh and how often we weigh is a personal choice … I always used to find that once a week was good, but it really is whatever works best for you :)

    All the best Jan


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