Sunday, January 13, 2019

Let Take It With A Grain Of Salt

Yesterday my son and his daughter, plus little ole me. We did a snow person and I forgot to get a photo of our great statue.
Well I thought it would of still been standing proudly. It wasn't it went Boom and fell down.
For eyes it had almonds, nose was a carrot, and for month I use black sunflower seed.
It anyone guess why it collapse.

Had our first meeting for our pagan group and how we want to move forward. It was decided on that we will get together last Sunday of each month for learning and studying.
When it comes to pagan book, and I would guess there authors of faith authors and such just burns you.
Confession time...Most of Raymond Buckland just doesn't set with me.
So we decided each of us to write a topic that we are interested in study. Our first topic will be on crystal.
I won't be to our first group meeting. But I will have something on crystal written up, that I could share with the group.
As how we're going to decided so called topic. Everyone took two piece of paper and wrote suggestion of area of study.
We came co depend on our high priestess. And when it comes to our Sabbats that two people of group will plan and excute the ritual.
So this way it doesn't fall on the same person lap. Our first one will be for IMBOLC

Dinner look like we having chicken and I found my zip trip it was on my dresser. In plan sight.
Coffee is on


  1. How much fun is making the snowman.

  2. Anonymous6:11 PM

    We used to sometimes get snow where I lived when I was a kid and it was such fun making snowmen, but they never lasted long as the snow melted quickly.

  3. Poor snowman, only lasted a day.
    It's a good idea to have different people conduct the rituals, so it isn't always the same.

  4. Oh, what a pity with the snowman! Luckily no snow here (yet).

  5. I’d be interested in what you have to say about crystals

  6. I hope you had fun with the snowman, at least. It sounds like your group needs a planning commission ;)


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