Friday, January 18, 2019

Beautiful and Creative Meme Number Sixteen

Snow came Thursday morning to North Idaho and sure not like on east coast. Actual our moister level is down.
The road around my area is icy or sloopy.
But I guess there an excuss for all most anything in life. But these clouds look so soft and puff that one could lay on them and wish away.
Confession time...I been setting way to much.
And this is my sky photo for SKY WATCH FRIDAY

This card I have such trouble announcing, "Hierophant" and I call it the preacher card.
Well I like to promote three postive things about each card....seeking advice, union, and religion.
But then there the negative part to this card also...Abuse of power, poor advice and rejection.
Always remember when reading tarot cards one needs to look at all cards laid out to get true reading.
And this is my art piece for PAINT PARTY FRIDAY


  1. Thanks for visiting my blog and taking the time to leave a comment. :)

  2. Nice sky and card!

  3. Beautiful sky. I love your card. Very imaginative.

  4. Love the soft sky

  5. Your right...I want to curl up and lay on those clouds!!!!

  6. Great photo. And your cards are always interesting

  7. Lovely sky and clever card.

  8. A bed of clouds... beautiful!

  9. We had a bit of snow here in my part of the UK on Thursday too, its mainly gone now. Thanks for visit and comment on my blog.

  10. Nice sky shot. I love your tarot cards.

  11. one can always find beauty in the sky. Great idea to promote the positive in cards:) Happy PPF!

  12. I like the sound of your snow Dora, it was too hot here this weekend! I agree about the tarot cards, they can be interpreted in many ways ✨

  13. Lovely sky and the card is wonderful.


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