Saturday, November 17, 2018

She Celebrated Her Birthday With Little Help

Yesterday we celebrated Liz birthday. And Actual it today. But she went deer hunting today. So Regis and I did a birthday thing. Not much. But sometime simpler things are the better way to go.

Her son had to work and gave her beautiful set of flowers. He works over meat department at Super One.

And I got her puzzle vase. And I might even look at possible others for gifts.

And Regis gave her a farm set

So we, which we would be Regis, Liz and I went to the Christmas Vintage market down at the local fair grounds. Well before I share our day.
Those who were sponsoring the market was blatantly following Liz around like stink on shit. Every one has there shopping style.
She not a hurry up and shop type. She likes to browse at every thing.
I know she has had stick fingers before. But I will give her benefit of doubt that she every swipe anything local, or for ages.

If I haven't bought my items. I doubt I would of purchase the few items I did. I doubt I will return next year. At this time I can't think of anything I need or want.
Didn't have much in snow people way.

My parents had one of these German Tree Topper. And every year I pick up some new and different ornaments for our tree.

well before I share my photos I took.Statement time... I have to wonder if these people who sponsored are Christians and there view of "forgiveness" it seem those who are heavy into Christanity is one who don't want to be judge and quickly forgiven. But there quick to  judge others forget the jury and go straight to execution.

After wards we went over to memorial hall and had a treat put on by SOUL SHINE.
For drinks Regis had Pepsi and us ladies had a cup of coffee. Then Regis got plate of lemon bars most of them went home with him. Had a small sample a little over sweet.
Liz got her self a slice of Pecan pie and even had few bites of it.
I got a tiny box of ginger snap cookies and took them home, for hubby and I to enjoy.

Coffee is on


  1. Hari om
    Liz has gone deer hunting? I confess that thoughg disturbs me... but it is lovely she had a little attention for her birthday. Christmas. Ugh. Can't get my head caught up! YAM xx

  2. Happy Birthday to Liz!

  3. Those flowers look lovely.

    I can't believe Christmas is so close, the grandchildren are getting quite excited :)

    All the best Jan

  4. I tried googling 'German Tree Topper', but came up short. Is the German Tree Topper featured in the photo with the wee figurines in red dresses?

  5. So many pretties!
    I wouldn’t know where to look first

  6. I have a similar tree topper in red, but don't know where it is. I haven't put up a tree for five years now, just have no space to put one and worry too that my cat, Lola, might knock it over.

  7. This is a great pressie! Ages up to 160 sure made me laugh! Does it really hold water?

  8. Happy birthday to Liz.


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