Sunday, November 18, 2018

Letting Go Or Chasing Them Off

I finely got that area in our basement gone. All went to the local thrift stores. I even tackled a small project of a son called book shelf.
Before I even started I was going to deleted down by 10% and that was heading to a thrift store.

These are the books that I took to a local thrift store. Not sure exactly where I will be going on to next as for down sizing project. I don't see my self going gang buster till after Yule and Christmas.

This morning I made a "yule banishing spray" or called my "naughty spirit zapper"
moon water
measure cup or something easy to pour out of, if needed.
Spray bottle
baking soda
Measuring spoon
Stones: Jet, Apache Tear, Black Kyanite and onyx
Frankincense essential oils

First of all cleanse your supplies. I did mine with sage and even supplies like measuring spoons. First thing heat up maybe a quarter cup of water so you can dissolve one tablespoon of baking soda. And this for a neutralizer.
So once you get baking soda and water dissolved. Which I found to be hardest part of entire thing. Had to shake it for bit.
Drop stones as mention above into spray bottle. If you need to get stones make sure they will fit down the neck of the spay bottle.
Fill rest with moon water and add 2 to 4 drops of frankincense essential oil. Depending on quality of essential oil
This is for about one cup sprayer....Baking soda seems to settle remember to shake well before use.

Coffee is on


  1. And do you spray this in every room of the house and outside too? I've never heard of Apache Tear or Black Kyanite.

  2. Anonymous12:51 AM

    You are doing so well decluttering, and you are making it so much easier for your children when they put you into aged care, haha.

  3. I have to get back on that track, too. DVDs, sooo (tooo) many. But books... that is a hard task!

  4. That sounds like it should be a new seasonal tradition for me. I might have to try it.

  5. It is such a good feeling to have a big clean out.


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