Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Flame Only Burns For A Limited Time

Lost it in the cyber space. I had a story written out for WORDS FOR WEDNESDAY and poof it was gone.
I had other items to take care of. So hopeful next Wednesday I can come up with fictional story.
And I also like to take part in WORDLESS WEDNESDAY and also ABC WEDNESDAY. Hope some of you have time to enjoy some of the wonderful photo.

Took Regis shopping at local thrift store. He got a few items for his friend. I sort of know what he got his friend.
Well his friend birthday is Saturday.
I got some baby clothes for my grand daughter in Oregon. 
I rarely purchase new clothes for grand daughters. Only time I get new clothing is major holidays. They just out grow them to quickly.
These only cost me ninety nine cents each. I picked actual six items and total was $5.94 plus six percent sale tax.
. We got our side wall up. That was very important to us. Didn't want and one slipping in the basement stair well. The last thing to be done before snow start to fly is to put piece of plywood over the basement.
Next spring or so we finish up the side entrance to the place.

Coffee is on


  1. The house and the new stairs are looking good. I like your colours, I have those same colours on my bedroom furniture. Most people think it is an odd choice to have dark colours on bedroom furniture but I like it.
    I enjoy buying baby clothes, but there are no babies in my family right now. My daughter's best friend has a baby boy and yesterday I bought a Christmas outfit that says Santa's Little "Elfer" on it for him.

  2. Anonymous12:57 AM

    Was the missing post the one that mentioned the end of World War I? I wrote a comment but then it all went wrong. The post came through on my blog reading feed.

  3. Hari Om
    I love a good trawl in the thrift shop - you did good with that lot! YAM xx

  4. Aww the baby clothes are really cute.

  5. Looks like you got yourself a real bargain! Those clothes look good and in good condition!

  6. Sorry about the missing post. I stopped one blog because that happened to me once too often.

  7. My niece and nephew have hardly had new clothes. Little ones are so easy on clothes that it makes sense to save money and the planet by reusing.

  8. Cute clothes for a great price indeed.
    I once bought special clothes for my Nieces. Of short use indeed... Not to be repeated.

  9. Love bring thrifty
    Means I have more money to spend on other things
    It’s looks mighty cold at your place

  10. Makes sense to buy children's clothes at the thrift shop.

  11. Makes sense to buy children's clothes at the thrift shop.

  12. Super cute second-hand clothes. A very good score!

  13. What is ABC Wednesday? I've not heard of that. Sorry to hear your story went poof. Hate it when things like that happen and you can't figure out why or where. You did great with the shopping! I don't have much patience for 2nd hand shopping, but always admire people who do.
    Sandy's Space

  14. That's neat about the baby clothes! And I love the picture of your house. :)

  15. Love the baby clothes :)

    All the best Jan


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