Tuesday, November 13, 2018

It's Up and It Will Be Down

Wonder why I do the things I do. And there tons of them. Or maybe I should real not give them weight.
Confession time...I stick food in my mouth unwilling. 
I did loose quite bit of weight. My goal was to loose about 20 pounds this year. I got down to 202 and did gain back 5 pounds. Today I had weight lost of half of pound, with my weight lost group of T.O.P.S
I sort of falter a bit and slowly starting to get back track.

One thing I start to put to gather a hot pot holders. Actual I got sewing machine and actual sewed a few of piece together.
Well I use my kitchen or dinning room table to put my sewing machine on.
In simple term, it can be pain in the kutuchy.
I have a big desk in my basement that I could leave my sewing machine set up.
The reason why I only got a few piece sewn together was about time to start dinner. And also I needed to set up the iron, that I could press up my seams.
Not sure when I will chance to set up the sewing machine in basement. The pipe to wood stove needs to be connected.
It cool down there.

I got the bi yearly bill paid. Our vehicle and property taxes I paid, and hubby hospital part. That medicare didn't  pick up.
Opinion time...I think everyone should be on medicare. Not saying a free ride either. I believe everyone should pay one to three percent of there income for one payer system Even possible a deductible. 

Call my oldest and see how everything is going. No sleep yet. They have four month old. I do recall lack of sleep with both of my sons.
Sawyer being the first one. I heard every peep that kid made. I didn't know new Born's made sleeping noice. So I know I walk around like a bobble head.
Then the next one was a lot easier, experience is amazing thing.
If I had the third one. I properly would just stuck it closet. "Just Kidding"
My son invited up down for Christmas when I was visiting last. They bought a house and looks like the owners won't be out before Christmas.
Well I told Sawyer that's ok. There Easter that we could come down. So I told him mid December I will mail there gifts.
I've never flown during the holidays and he also want his brother Bart and his family to come down.

Coffee is on


  1. I think a set up for sewing and ironing in the basement would be great. I remember newborn days, but my babies were easy and all sleeping through the night by 2 months.

  2. Hari Om
    ugh, am in big bill mode myself at the moment. Scary to think how close it is to Christmas already. As to medicare - that is exactly how it's done in Australia; everyone has their pay deducted 1.5%. I see an argument for raising that but the Americanised private system started to take hold there about 20 years back and so we have a rather confused split system. However, Medicare's existence means that everyone is covered when they really need it. The same is true of UK's NHS... YAM xx

  3. I think healthcare should be a basic benefit of every country too.

  4. Healthcare is a bsic human right. We have to figure out the best way to deliver it to everyone.

  5. That's one reason I don't do any sewing. I would love to have a place to keep my machine set up, too. I envy people who have craft rooms.

  6. Why do the big bills always come at once?

  7. I agree! Universal health care that is standardized for all is needed in the US!!!!


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