Friday, November 30, 2018

Beautiful and Creative Meme Number Nine

Life doesn't play fair when it comes to keep ones ducks in roll. It been about six weeks since I took part in SKYWATCH FRIDAY or PAINT PARTY FRIDAY.
Been doing some thinking of my creative out let and goals for 2019. One thing I know I will continue on with my tarot cards. I don't see, well I know I won't do anything until after Christmas.
Then also I want do a calendar page each month.
But when it comes to clouds and weather I have no control. Yes I know some will and could bring up climate change. Statement time...we all can all down size our carbon foot print.

Had to did though my archives of photos. This is last year at this time, and no snow either time. For other sky photos CLICK HERE

It been a while since I shown any of my tarot cards, and this is my version of king of wands. A little bit king of wands.
Well three of possible positive traits are...leader, respects others, and daring to be different.
But when positive there also the side of negativity..self righteous, boorish, and bitter.
Although one needs to remember when reading the tarot cards what cards are surrounding them. And also the cards can't predict anyone future.
For more artist please CLICK HERE

Coffee is on


  1. Thanks for asking to take a coffee break ☺
    I agree the client is seriously changing to bad direction. I hope leaders of the world take it seriously and make good decisions to prevent moor damages.
    Your tarot card is interesting. I don't know much of them.
    Happy weekend and December ahead 👍

  2. Hari Om
    Really like your sky-view... and your King! YAM xx

  3. Nice mountain and evergreen. It's been flurrying where I live today. Yesterday was quite blustery. Alana

  4. Pretty and moody photo. Enjoy your weekend!

  5. Nice tarot card, thanks for explaining this one,interesting.

  6. Beautiful photos. Tarot cards, how fascinating. Your king of wands is lovely. I hope you continue to make them.


  7. I enjoyed your pictures. Thanks for sharing.

  8. I'm sure the snow will be there soon enough.

  9. Nice Idaho skywatch photo! I love that you make your own tarot cards. Down here i the Bible belt people would swoon over that fearing for you salvation and how a nice person like you could be a satan worshiper.

  10. Your King of Wands is a colourful card.

  11. What a dramatic sky!

  12. ...have a cup for me, thanks for the visit.

  13. Really enjoyed seeing your tarot card Dora, would love to see more as you finish them ✡

  14. That's a fun idea for an art prompt. Lovely!


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