Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Wednesday Meme Number Thirteen

Notice that hodgepodge Wednesday isn't back on line. Not sure what happen to Joyce. I sure hope all is OK with her.
So I did this one called WORDS FOR WEDNESDAY in the past.
I will be using the second list of words in my story. Which is listed just below
Speechless, Timber, Underbelly, Vanity, Walked, and Machine.

One of Quinn chores she couldn't stand was milking the family cow, Alice. She been milking for last 4 years and hoping that her sister Fay will take over the chore of milking.
Well when the weather is super cold  and leaves one breath speechless. She would place her forearm of underbelly of Alice.

But there is a vanity side to Quinn when it came to milking. She been in some hand milking contest on this side of ravine.
She usual the only one that milked Alice, both morning and evenings.
But soon Quinn will be her last year of 8th grade and will be going over to the high school and usual when it came to high school one would board out with one of the families closer to local high school.

But on weekends some of high schooler who lived any distance and didn't have any a horse or buggy, would walk home.
Quinn Uncle Thomas use to walked home from the town that the high school was located and it took usual 2 to 3 hours, depending on the pace.

Uncle Thomas did live with Quinn and the rest of her family and he did keep the fires going in the little cabin they lived in, before the larger place was be built.
Even the little place was cold and drafty Tom would find some timber to fall and cut it into fire wood.
Not once did they ever run out of fire wood.
Plus he would even split the wood. One of Tom friend was telling him that they design and have prototype for a machine that would split firewood.

The other thing I take part is letter F for ABC WEDNESDAY My word for F will be word finished.

I did finished up my paper work so I could enter in our local fair this weekend. I put in four items. 

The other meme I do is WORDLESS WEDNESDAY and since I did enter a photo in our local fair and there no spoken word. I thought I would share the one I entered.

Coffee is on


  1. Thank you so much for joining in with Words for Wednesday. I like your story :)
    Good luck with your entries to the Fair.

  2. Cute story. It sounds like it takes place a long time ago.

  3. Love your beautiful wordless shot.

  4. Lots of memes today. Fun take on River's prompts.
    Good luck at the fair.

  5. Well done on all three memes.

    All the best Jan

  6. I am in love with your storytelling.
    Can't wait for more.

    - Lisa

  7. Nice story, congratulations on the entries to the fair, and i like your wordless Wednesday photo.

  8. That's a great shot. Best of luck in the fair. I'm deciding what to enter into our county fair, which will be in October. That was an interesting story you told.

  9. I like your photo entry. I hope you did well. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  10. Work...and fun… good combination ;-)

    Have a splendid, ♥-warming ABC-Wednes-day / -week
    ♫ M e l d y ♪ (ABC-W-team)

  11. I like the f word finished too!

  12. Great combination of topics today.

  13. Joyce announced she won't be doing the HodgePodge, she's focsing on other types of writing right now.

  14. Joyce announced she won't be doing the HodgePodge, she wants to concentrate on other types of writing.

  15. I've seen the milking machines they use on farms. Must be strange for the cows than the hands.


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