Tuesday, December 22, 2015

A Little More Balance

I didn't fall off the swing. Yesterday it seem to be a roller coaster ride. Morning woke up and my anxiety hit me like a lead something or other.
Then in evening hours I was horrible depress. Although not to stage of crying.
But woke this morning with a better attitude about life in general. But for some reason my calves of my leg was giving me a bit of trouble.

I thought Bart and Molly and with her parents was stopping. They got and we got a dumping of snow.
They were by Noxon Montana and decided to drive home, Spokane Valley that is.
The ideal they're was to drop off the exchange gifts I ordered some Stools for Quincy three daughters.
They were going to mail them.
Not necessary to. Simple reason there not little kids, her daughters are all in High School.
Still not sure if Bart and Molly coming up for Christmas or not. We extended an invitation for her parents.
But I don't expect them to risk driving up on bad roads.
I know a few times my parents wouldn't drive up from Spokane to a family gathering in North Idaho. Because of the roads.

I went over to my friend Alice. Murphy drop me off he was at the doctors. So we visited and it seems like this year we left things out of this Christmas.
I didn't do cards, only to those who was 80 and plus in age.
She didn't have a tree up.
She gave Murphy and I a gift, also Carrie's present.
 I always give her Grandchildren ornaments.
She was doing some baking and I have enough trouble avoiding sweets, didn't bake anything. But if I was going to bake anything it would be date or fig filled cookies.

Finley got the rest of one of our white elephant gift exchange a pound of PISTACHIO and while ago I bought a 4 pack of craft beers from HEART ROCK WINES.
Tomorrow, the 23rd I'm taking Liz into Bonners Ferry to finish some shopping before Christmas. I only got three gifts to get for couple of furry friends.
Liz little fusugly and the neighbor dog who always hanging around. And Carrie and Hershel Sweeties, she will get something to eat.
She not interested in Toys anymore.

Coffee is on  


  1. "But for some reason my calves of my leg was giving me a bit of trouble."

    Cramps? Try eating some mustard and drinking more water.

  2. bbc makes an excellent point, drink lots of water and stretch out the muscles every hour or so.

    pistachios have become my favorite snack since someone gave a bag of black pepper and sea salt pistachios.


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Today Is Monday, March 3, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 An light day, non stressful. I love days like this. Let see what I done at this point. Went and visit Liz. She looked good, although she is...