Monday, November 23, 2015

Since She Had An Appointment

Since Carrie had to have a mental evolution today and it gave me a chance to check out WEEKEND AND COMPANY in Sandpoint.
Nice store but completely out of my price range.
Not much on Wal mart but sometime I feel like I'm force to shop there. Because we are low in come. I don't consider my self in poverty.
People to me, who is in poverty. more or less live in such tattered surroundings. Doesn't matter how bad it is economically for me. I have never been in dirty, smelly or tattered clothing.
Talk to my daughter in law Betty and she said Sawyer could use a new skillet to do eggs in.
I like to keep my cash when I can into the local area, so I'll check around here first before moving down to Sandpoint.

I even go a chance to do a small walk around Sandpoint. I recall people making swings out of either cut planks or tires.

Well I'm still taking part in blog everyday in November though BLOGHER and I visit the blog who is just above me. They have a linking system.

So last week I visit these blog. Just at random chance two I had been to before.








As for eating. Let start right off with breakfast 2 eggs, 2 dinner roll with butter, and 2 1/2 strips of bacon.
Lunch I left in the fridge. So I stop by burger king and got a salad and a medium pumpkin milk shake.
Dinner was a roast pork, sweet potato and green beans.
Now for the naughty or opps food one piece of caramel and a chick o stick.

Well I felt a little sad, off across the parking lot. I saw the POTTERY BUG STUDIO in Sandpoint I still would like to put in a ceramic studio.
But for a while I need to bring in a study paycheck.
Well I start anther crochet dust cover for my swifter.
   Coffee is on


  1. Thanks for sharing about your day.

  2. You're doing so very well with the daily NaBlo thing. Well done Dora. :D I'm finding ti pretty easy this time around. Might just carry on into December, but I'm leaving early Dec for a month, so no idea how that will affect the daily stuff. Take care.

  3. Walmart is a good of place as any to buy our Chinese made stuff.

  4. Thank you for linking to my blog. :) Good job on the weight loss too. I have been concentrating on eating more healthily the past few months. I was doing great, but then I fell off the wagon. Trying to get back on again. lol


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Today Is Thursday, May 9, 2024: This Is What Happened.

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