Saturday, May 26, 2012

Weekend Photo Hunt (Creative-Famous Places)

One thing about the way my job is sat up there really not much creative to it. I would say I like a little balance between creative and ritual to my life. I heard about “Apple Salsa” I was going to give it a try but didn't get around to it.
I use what was available on our computer tried to be creative with the picture I took of the apple

  • 2 tart apples, cored and cubed
  • 4 tablespoons lime juice
  • 1 fresh jalapeno pepper, seeded and sliced
  • 1 fresh Anaheim chile, seeded and sliced
  • 1/2 medium onion, finely chopped
  • 2 tablespoons coarsely chopped fresh cilantro
  • 1/2 cup chopped walnuts, lightly toasted
  • 2 tablespoons fresh ginger, peeled and thinly sliced
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt

In a large bowl, stir together apples and lime juice. Stir in jalapeno and Anaheim chile slices. Stir in onion, cilantro, walnuts, ginger, and salt. Mix thoroughly.

    Living in small populate area there not many famous place for miles around. But every town has some famous place in there area. When Bonners Ferry first came about we had no bridge but a ferry. A guy name of Edwin Bonner operated and owned the first ferry to cross the Kootenai river. This is was were ferry across at one time. By the look of the landscape around the area it had to be different. Now we cross the kootenai by bridge.

    Next week photo hunt will be bridge and taste 

    Editor Note...I didn't play last weekend our computer was having issues.

      It been a tiring week for me. Trying to fit my clients into there appointment. But I would guess I'll have the entire month of June off.

    Putting things off to last minute, well almost. Murphette finely got into gear and started to move her stuff out of her apartment. Since she told the management that she would be out the 30th of this month.
    I haven't done much in the ceramic line except got a few more molds ready to pour and mixed up a some slip that I can start to pour.
    Well I had amazing thought or I don't know if it amazing. But let just said I learn something about my self. Why I have trouble completing goals or task.
    When I was young I would be ask or assign some type of chore. I would say to my mother “It's done” she would reply “you did a good job, but...and give some reason why it didn't meet the standard. I don't recall her never using the word “but” with you did a “good job”
    But I soon learn to say..”oh I'm still working on it” then I had my self protected from her criticism and I knew the project wasn't done.
    Confession time...I might not do the exactly the same thing but in around about way it still hangs on to seem like I don't shake it.

    Not much for warm weather. So the tomatoes, peppers, artichokes, melon, and squash haven't been put out yet. There doing ok under the light.
    I got some patina I bought from a greenhouse. I might just have to chance it and put them out.
    It seem like the root crops we planted is doing ok. Except for the carrots and He-SHI-Ko a type of white bunching onions.


  1. I enjoyed reading the history of the Bonner Ferry very much. Anything of that nature, I really like to read about it.

    Apple Salsa, huh? Never tried it. And your creative work with the photo of the apple is great, makes it look 'peachy'!!

  2. I enjoy your Bonner Ferry history, too. I might never get to see it, but I like reading about it.

  3. Interesting take on both themes :)

  4. Figure every part of the world has famous places -- it's just that the fame is relative. :)

  5. It's a famous place for the locals, that's important too !
    I am a big apple eater at least 4 to 6 per day, but no cake,lol !

  6. The apple came out looking a bit like a planet. That's plenty creative.

  7. I don't do jalapeno anything.

    Have had some great weather days, for this area, I put out a tomato plant a couple of weeks ago. It hasn't gotten taller yet but the two tomatoes on it are getting bigger and more small ones are starting to show up.


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